I'm a vegetarian, and this is the first time I am publicly revealing it:yes:
I already knew this of you, you spoke of it in the SB.
On another note, I confess I <3 writing. And for the record, my confessions are serious. :nod:
I'm a vegetarian, and this is the first time I am publicly revealing it:yes:
I already knew this of you, you spoke of it in the SB.
On another note, I confess I <3 writing. And for the record, my confessions are serious. :nod:
Ugh, idk what to confess.
I severely dislike feminism and most of the hypocritical feminists on tumblr. I love the site, but it's so damn hard to use when feminist ideals are shoved down your throat constantly. Heaven forbid women make less money than men. It's not that big of a deal; give us several more years and that number will surely rise for women. Also, sometimes it's not even the feminists that bother me, it's just hypocritical dickwads in general. How can you take a stand against bullying when you're "judging [someone] so hard" if they don't reblog a photo? Seriously, how can you say you want to end violence/bullying when you're technically advocating it with posts like "I will murder you if you don't reblog this." Take a break from the internet, and get a life. Go and take a look at what the real problems in this world are. Gay rights, equal opportunities for women, etc. are nothing compared to issues such as poverty, world hunger, war, murder, rape, trafficking, etc. We don't have our priorities in order, and this bothers me so much. It's why people like feminists and the idea of feminism bother me so much, because if we could stop worrying about petty problems, we could focus on the big ones. The world can't be fixed in one day, but that doesn't mean we can't try to fix it in two.
That's just my opinion, and I needed to get this off my chest. It's a confession, and I don't intend to argue this with anyone.
Get 'er done. That's why I take my leave, to get things done.I can't finish things I start ;_;
I like someone here and even though I haven't told him, I still tend to get jealous when he shows affection of sorts for other girls. =\
I like someone here and even though I haven't told him, I still tend to get jealous when he shows affection of sorts for other girls. =\
I know this may sound mean, and really indifferent of me, but I seriously have a disliking towards people. Like, if I don't confront you in some way, or peak some interest in you, the majority of the time I will ignore you, or just be mean to you in some way to leave me alone. I have been like this for a numerous amount of years and it just happens to get worse and worse. Lately I've been starting to hate people even more and more because of their ignorance and stupidity and it has gotten worse on the internet. I try to be a people person but then I fall out and just don't bother anymore. I've even removed people from skype and from my phone because I don't want to deal with people anymore, and I know it hurts them as much as it hurts me.
I have gotten better at this, but its like humanity just wants me to find a ditch and just stay there till I die lol. I do want to say I have gotten better with being more friendly like to the people I still talk to, but I do greatly apologise for being a brute to you guys when I don't mean it. I love you guys, but you can also irritate me. <3
I hope it's not me. Because if it is me, I couldn't live with myself knowing that.
--Confession: I wear black sneakers. And I usually dress in black.