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Breath of the Wild The Cloak

Feb 23, 2014
The two trailers we have seen thus far have looked amazing but left us with more questions then they answered. We didn't get any details on the plot/story of this game but there was one little detail that gives us some hints imo. In case you are wondering what i'm referring to i'm talking about the cloak link is wearing while on horseback in both trailers. Am I the only one that thinks that is significant? IMO we can immediately assume this game will have stealth elements based on seeing that alone. It's obvious that link does not want to be spotted while traveling across Hyrule. I mean why else would he be wearing that cloak?!? If he wants to travel incognito it would seem to imply that something/someone is after him. Which begs the question who/what is it? And why are they pursuing him? Could it be a similar situation to what we saw in ALTP where Link was accused of kidnapping Zelda and had people looking for him or something else? Or could it be similar to Zelda 2 where Ganon's minions were relentlessly hunting you so they could use your blood to resurrect him? Maybe i'm reading too much into this based off a small detail in 2 trailers but I don't think I am. Based off the things I have seen in the trailers with the huge open world and link's cloak I think we are going to see the game take place in the hero defeated timeline which excites me because I have always wanted to see a full 3D game on this part of the timeline. I'm thinking it will take place after Zelda 2 but who knows! Anyways these are just my thoughts and I wanted to see what you guys thought about them.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
So far we know almost nothing whatsoever other than the map is pretty big, Link starts out with a bow, and he rides horses. Everything beyond that is speculation from the scant few bits we see in the background of the demo.

A little bit of my own speculation from what is seen, I believe Link starts out as a wilderness/survival ranger type before he sets out on his journey. I think this sort of fits with the past Links coming from some wood/forest/village type background like the Kokiri Forest, Faron Woods, etc. The addition of a cloak helps this as in a lot of RPGs and fantasy art that is a typical piece of the ranger wilderness expert costume.

Jun 25, 2013
Makes him look more like Robin Hood, I like the cloak in Zelda Wii U. I really hope the game stays true to Zelda's genre of medieval fantasy :D

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