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The Beetle Item Found in the Fire Temple


Aug 29, 2010
Yo everyone, I'm back with a new theory that I'd thought you would find interesting. I believe that the Beetle item, as we know it, will be acquired in the "Fire Temple" I've been watching the trailers we have so far, and by looking at the some of the new pictures, I have come with a theory of the Beetle being obtained in the Fire Temple. According to some pictures we have, and the gameplay trailer, here is what the "Fire Temple" looks like:

Heres the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dYgrMz_XBI&fmt=22&annotation_id=annotation_472964&feature=iv
Jump to 0:44 and pause to get a good look at the colors and detail.

Here is a picture of the "Fire Temple": screenshot_238685_thumb300.jpg

Now here is a picture of the Beetle item: d8b315f4bc4472f4bc0560d6b72dfa23abf40e1c_small.jpg

Now if you look closely, the Bettle Item has a yellow and green color scheme to it. Notice the pincers and it's design, plus the Beetle's shell design. Now if you compare the video (jump to given time) and the new screenshot, you can see that this "Fire Temple" place has a very similar design to the Beetle. The dungeon and item both share a green and yellow color scheme, and the design on the Beetle looks very similar to some architectural structures in the dungeon. So I assume that the Beetle might be found in the "Fire Temple". If not, then probably to somewhere close to this dungeon. What do you think?


The most inactive active
Nov 21, 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden
I think that a goron or some new creature want you to help someone or defeat the boss, and either gives you the item or its found before or after a miniboss. From what Ive seen its being controlled by the way you aim the Wii mote and seems to be able to pick up bombs so it will probarly be used to pick bombs onto the boss, and the best place for that is the fire temple so I think your absolutely correct. :)


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
Well, we can only guess it is the Fire Temple. It could be a cave, mini-dungeon, or something like that. However, I do not believe we will be getting the Beetle in the Fire Dungeon. In fact, I don't think we will be seeing it as an item acquired in any dungeon. I think you will get it outside, towards the beginning.


Aug 29, 2010
This dungeon has a very strange design to it. In the picture I put, there is some wierd face structure. Wierd.
Though it's interesting how the Beetle's design/color scheme is similar to this "Fire Temple".


It's also the item you see equipped in the Fire Dungeon in the Trailer.
Jun 14, 2010
Very nice... I think you're right. Dungeons are usually based around puzzles that use the item obtained in said dungeon. If you skip to 1:14 in the trailer, you can see that using the beetle opens up an area you couldn't access before. There's always the possibility that the beetle is found in the dungeon before the fire temple, too. But I think, given the design, it's safe to say the beetle is found in or around the fire temple. :P


...No your other left
Jun 13, 2010
Missouri, USA
Its possible, after all we did see it used in the fire temple, possibly being used to solve a puzzle when it picked up the bomb and blew up the rock. (im not sure that thats relevent or not). As people above said dungeons and their puzzles usually heavily revolve around an item aquired in that dungeon.

If its not in the fire temple, my next best guess would be a forest temple ;P.

Good thought and Post by the way!
Nov 26, 2008
It does seem like the Beetle resembles the lava dungeon shown in the trailer, so you could be right.

Another thing worth considering though, is the theory that the game will not follow the strict tradition of "dungeon, item, boss, field, repeat" like other games in the series. Indeed, people have speculated (partially because of the small number of items shown in the trailer, which isn't great evidence, but...) that there may actually be far less items. Majora's Mask is a good example of a game with a minimalist approach to the items. If this game ends up anything like Majora's Mask, then many of the game's items will not be acquired within the dungeons at all. So it'll be interesting to see if that's true or not.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Another thing worth considering though, is the theory that the game will not follow the strict tradition of "dungeon, item, boss, field, repeat" like other games in the series. Indeed, people have speculated (partially because of the small number of items shown in the trailer, which isn't great evidence, but...) that there may actually be far less items. Majora's Mask is a good example of a game with a minimalist approach to the items. If this game ends up anything like Majora's Mask, then many of the game's items will not be acquired within the dungeons at all. So it'll be interesting to see if that's true or not.

While I love the idea of deviating from the norm that has been used in almost every single Zelda game, I do not want a minimalist approach to items. I know that MM had a minimal approach to the normal items, but it had a whole bunch more items if you include all of the masks that you can get. Most of the masks have a use other than than the one-time-only sidequests. So, yes, MM had a minimalist approach to items, unless you include the masks. Plus, the story line was so short that they couldn't have implemented more of the traditional items, because there wasn't room for them.

I imagine that the items that we've seen so far in the demo were for that purpose only. To give a preview of what they had been working so hard on. If SS uses less items than usual, I can see a great deal of fans being really angry, unless the minimalist approach is implemented perfectly. Now don't get me wrong, I know I'll be satisfied with what Nintendo gives us in SS, i'm just merely saying that I'd prefer to not have a minimalist approach to items.

Now, back to the topic that Aero_Dynamic started, I think that you're on the right track. The Beetle could very well be from the fire temple. I had never noticed structural designs that resembled the Beetle in the fire area of the Demo. Good find!

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