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Ten first party games the NX desperately needs to succeed

The WiiU doesn't have a brilliant library, sure no game has been horrible, the U has some of the best software titles since the Gamecube (IMO) but the titles released for the U seem a little... 'safe' and some big contenders are missing...

With the NX coming probably sooner than we think, which ten Nintendo/first party-made games should appear on the system to ensure some decent sales?


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
These fools ... they need to drop Zelda NX (previously known as Zelda U) at launch, and they had better have some sort of Metroid Prime-esque game soon thereafter. Additionally, they need to make sure that Dragon Quest XI is ready to go, and they better make sure they get the yearly heavy hitters like Call of Duty and FIFA out when the thing releases. I don't think they need "10" games exactly, or any set number. They need a phenomenal launch and they need a good price at launch to soften the bitter blow of dropping support for the Wii U less than half way into its normal lifespan.

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
1.New earthbound

2. f zero

3. new Metroid

4. fire emblem

5. golden sun

6. kid icarus

7. punch out

8. Pokémon

9. New Zelda

10. New xenoblade chronicles/ A new monolith soft franchise
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
1. Mainstream Pokémon installment
2. New Mario Kart
3. New Smash Bros.
4. New F-Zero
5. Metroid Prime 4
6. An original 3D Mario
7. An original 3D Zelda
8. A third and final Retro Studios Donkey Kong Country
9. A new franchise
10. Mother Trilogy

Honorable mention: Fire Emblem


Jun 11, 2015
I agree with @CrimsonCavalier, I don't think it needs exactly 10 titles however some very good ones to start.

Splatoon 2

These would make it very enticing for me to get an NX.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
A New real 3D Mario Game
A New Zelda game
A good Paper Mario
A New IP
Kid Icarus Uprising
A real Metroid Game
The Inevitable Sequel to Xenoblade X(Its going to behave a lot like the Xenogears series, as from what I heard, the game leaves a lot of questions unanswered)
A sequel to Pokemon XD and Coliseum
The revival of one of Nintendo's lost franchises, such as Balloon Fight.
This would really make NX walk off the shelves
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Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
****ing all of them... Every major 1st party franchise within the first 3 years.
Also needs a healthy dose of hype. Gamers are ********, they'll shell out a few hundred bucks for a new console based on hype alone.
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Reactions: Dan
Oct 14, 2013
On launch day here is the games I feel that would have a chance of being console sellers for the NX. In order of success, 1 being the most successful in my opinion.
This is regardless if there is not enough time to develop such a game or not.

I am talking available on NX launch day.

1. A good 3D mario game.
2. Zelda U/NX
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 3
4. Legend of Zelda Maker
5. Hyrule Warriors 2
6. Yooka Laylee (A WiiU game, but advertised as can play on NX also and releasing at NX launch would be huge, even if it ends up being digital only. People who do not own a WiiU would buy a NX for this).
7. Mario Kart 9
8. Wii Sports / Nintendo Land successor. (Something bundled in with the NX to show off all of it's capabilities.)
9. A new Pokemon game (Only if the rumours of the NX being the WiiU and 3DS successor are true. Pokemon shouild stay portable in my opinion).
10. Metroid Prime 4


The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
Alright when it comes to first prty tittle on the NX it depends for me. Well if the NX if a successor to both wii u and 3ds or if it is just homee or portable console. If they found a way to make it both i will **** a brick. Any who for those First party tittles.

Obviously a 3D Mario tittle. I'd hope something of the exploration of Mario 64. 3D areas with a lot more exploration where you could choose to go after a variety of stars even if you picked a certain mission. I liked galaxy and it's dynamics and paths. I just enjoyed the freedom of exploration 64 gave me. Any who a good old 3D collectathon would be nice.

A Paper Mario or a Mario Rpg. I need my fix!! I want the great dialogue, classic action commands and Rpg flavor, badges and all the story. Sticker star hurt me with its bare bones story, barely decent dialogue and interesting but bit boring gameplay. I want my good 30 to 50 hours of Rpg goodness with all the fun characters and areas to explore.

Kid Icarus. I know it won't happen. I'm sad it won't happen. I only hope that I may have my prayer answered by the goddess. I would love to see this tittle on a full powered console with a control scheme of a controler. I love uprising. It is fun, entertaining and god do i love the voice actors and dialogue and characters. But my hand hurt from the touch screen.

Donkey Kong country. Cause Donkey kong country. It is basic yet challenging fun platforming. What is there more to say? I love me some 2D platforming.

Kirby. Like I said. I love me some 2D platforming Adding the ability to eat my enemies, absorb their souls and abuse their powers. I love it even more. They don't need to make a full blown return to dream land again. I would love it if they did but I take what I can get. I would love a new twist on a Kirby super star with abillity charged helpers on a console. Add some online connectivity for those without friends near home. As long as they keep it so you can have people join at home. I'll be the happiest bastard.

Wario. The Wario ware games are meh. I want my god old Wario Lands. I like shake it up. It is great old 2D exploration. Mixed with puzzle platforming and interesting power ups. I could go for some fun times again.

Zelda of course. Every console needs a Zelda title.

Pokemon. Good ole classic rpg fun. I admit I pefer it to stay portable. Though i loved the colossuem and XD gale of darkness games. Love to see more that stem away from the whole gym badge thing.

Fire Emblem is my fun tactical Rpg. I love my tactics and testing my wit. I need some good games that give my brain turning.

That is all I got. Harder to think of 10 tittles that are first party.
Jul 25, 2012
1.) 3D Mario (in the vein of Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy)
2.) Zelda NX (an exclusive title, not just a port of Zelda U)
3.) Metroid (first person style, in the vein of the Prime series)
4.) Animal Crossing (not a spin off or Amiibo based)
5.) Donkey Kong (in the vein of DK 64, not the Country series)
6.) Paper Mario (return to the formula of the original and TYD)
7.) Mario Kart (include an epic battle mode this time)
8.) Star Fox (in the vein of the 64 and upcoming U versions)
9.) Harvest Moon (rethink, retool, reboot, and get it right!)
10.) Splatoon 2.0 (improve on/show progression from original)

A gamer can dream, can't he?

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