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Super Smash (Gamecube Controller/Adapter)

Jul 25, 2012
HEADS UP: If any of you have been interested in acquiring the Gamecube adapter for Super Smash Bros on Wii U, it looks like the supply issues have been at least somewhat/temporarily remedied. The adapter is now in stock on Amazon and being offered at the list price of $19.99 - woohoo!

I tried to pick up an adapter at GameStop when I bought my copy of Smash back on release day, but I was told it was only available for people who had pre-ordered - lame! I've been a fan of Smash Bros. since its N64 days and I couldn't even begin to speculate as to how many hours I spent playing Melee. A few years ago when I finally got my hands on Brawl for the Wii, I was completely disappointed and could not get the hang of playing with the Wii controller and nunchuck. I think I only ever played the game 2 or 3 times because it just completely lost its appeal for me.

Sadly I had a pretty similar experience with Smash 4 and the gamepad. I could tell that the game was good but just felt that the controls were so wrong. As soon as I started playing with the Gamecube adapter, this game totally came to life for me. My old favorites suddenly felt just how I remembered them again, the game really opened up and became fun for me. If you were a fan of Melee and have been on the fence about Smash or getting the adapter -- I think you should definitely do it! :)

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