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Super Smash Brother Mafia

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For real though, at the current moment, I’m most suspicious of SMS for the seemingly sudden votes and bandwagons. I was willing to forgive his vote against me because he agreed with funnier and thought more votes were needed to pressure me. His switch to SunFan though was sus though.
I already said why I switched, I didn't feel like anyone was going to vote you and pressure you further, and the only reason I voted you was try getting you to stick around - I never intended to keep it on you.

This I would agree with. The vote on Sun Fan comes right after he voting Doc, and with pretty no reason behind it, other than the bandwagon. Very little overall explanation.
As for why I voted Sun Fan, it's the same reasoning why I voted Doc, I want him active and I wanted more from him at the time. And like with Doc, this isn't going to be my final vote for the day.

That all aside, I'd agree that so far that Hero looks good based on his meta. It's still kind of too early for me to get a read in a few people, I can say I'm liking funnier's prying of players at least. I was ok with Deku yesterday as he was ppsting but I always have weird logic of Deku posting=Townie Deku, Deku inactive=Deku Scum...

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't really see the difference from the crossover when I asked Hero to give me some reads and he more or less sheeped the crowd.

Those reads don't feel like sheeping to me like in the crossover. Seems like he's trying to put some effort into giving some of his own thoughts. Even if some of it is what others had said, he also commented on other people as well.

I dont think we should say what our final smashes do so that mafia cant just kill whoever is most dangerous to them before that. Not that you said we should it just occurred to me.

Yeah, no one should definitely say it right now. Though on day 3 it'll become a focus point.

And also what do you think about Johnny, Minish.

It's been so long since I've played with him that I don't really remember any meta. But from purely his postings this game I'm liking his contributions so far.

I actually like his suspicions on you and SMS. Not necessarily because I agree with them, but because I do think those things can look genuinely scummy to someone who's not up to date on ZD meta. He seems like he's prodding in the places he finds suspicious and backing off when others explain the meta. Would be easy for him as scum to just stick to his guns and have the defense of not knowing meta to get an easy vote in. That said, I feel like Johnny was a really good scum player so this is all just a basic feel of things for now. I feel like he'll be hard to read.
Vote Tristan

You will die for this!!!

For real though, at the current moment, I’m most suspicious of SMS for the seemingly sudden votes and bandwagons. I was willing to forgive his vote against me because he agreed with funnier and thought more votes were needed to pressure me. His switch to SunFan though was sus though.
Also I have to point out, how am I your top suspect right now but you voted Tristan over me? Lol.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
If you're going to be suspicious of sms, dont be suspicious of him over that, I'm actually inclined to town read him for it.

Out of curiosity, is there anything that SMS is doing that makes you susp

Don't think youre totally off the hook Doc, but that post meets my expectations. This is mainly based off a feeling and it would be very helpful if fg would get in here. @Funnygurl555

At less than 24 hours left, I agree.

This post in particular just seems towny Hero to me. I feel like as town he's not as hesitant to post some reads like this early on. I dunno, I feel my reads on Hero usually come fairly early. Either something feels off about him right away or not.

In the past games I've played HOT has definitely shown to be more cautious to post as scum. Not alignment indicative, but I can agree with this read.

i forgot to ask for a role, so i got jigglypuff.

Not trying to be rude, but you've made 2 posts over the course of 72 hours and they've been an RV and a claim. You've added no substance, despite others asking you to post.

I dont think we should say what our final smashes do so that mafia cant just kill whoever is most dangerous to them before that. Not that you said we should it just occurred to me.

This right here. Role claims can let us work on inferring FSes, but claiming them on Day 1 will lead to scum hunting town for them specifically.

I was ok with Deku yesterday as he was ppsting but I always have weird logic of Deku posting=Townie Deku, Deku inactive=Deku Scum...

I've noticed this in the past too. Idk if Deku has changed his play style as of late, but he's usually more active when town. I'mma keep an eye on him.

Also I have to point out, how am I your top suspect right now but you voted Tristan over me? Lol.

I think it was a joke vote tbh. It was in response to the Plant claim. That said, it is weird he voiced suspicion but didn't change it. Could chalk it up to more or less an igmeoy, but it is worth noting.

Morbid, I'm lost on screen names these days. What was your previous one?
Feb 3, 2019
Just where I'm at thus far
I'm alright with funnier and tristan the most; funnier because he feels the same and tristan because his thoughts on me don't feel like he made them up (specifically the part about referencing Canadians mafia)

Its kinda weird, and I know the question I asked him still hasn't been answered, but I think I like Deku solely because he's not trying to get townread, I think this is Moe's way of reading him if I remember correctly

If Minish is in the top 4 posters (I'll check after making this post) then I'll give her a townread for the day

I don't really know where to look first for scum is my problem

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
What do you think about my fg vote?

Oh yeah, forgot to answer this in my other post. I don't think the FG vote is a bad one to have right now. Though I do wonder if she just forgot about the game. Lol. I would be fine with her lynch if she doesn't come in and give some good posts. Especially because I'm finding a lot of people look decent to me right now.

Morbid, I'm lost on screen names these days. What was your previous one?

It was Minish_Link. I don't think we got to play a lot of games together, but you were in some when I first started playing here.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Deku, I don't see how me not saying my character stalls the game?
I really don't
Deku, to me (and apparently to funnier as well) it seems like you just finished talking about how you don't like the idea of talking about characters, but then immediately agreed with Minish's idea of everyone claiming their characters. You seem aware that this sounds weird, but I still don't understand what your thought process here was.

How are the two things funnier quoted not contradictory?
You say that but its possible to do both at once and I haven't seen you make any attempt to get on with the game.

My heart can't really take it but okay.

Oh hi Hero. Is that all you've got to say? Got any idea of who you'll be voting? Anything pop out to you besides Deku?
Look at how many posts were made about Sun Fan's initial refusal to claim. All that fluff that in the end doesn't matter and just artificially increases the length of the game. None of it is AI, none of it is helpful...
As much as I hate having conversations on flavor, I've come to accept that people will do it whether I want them to or not. So, I may as well support the side of "just do it now, just do it quickly" so we don't have nore situations like SunFan.
Note that I am not scumreading you for that Sun. Ive had my fill of those wagons with Moe in... whatever game that was, Canadians probably?

As for funnier's post, that's something I need to work on. I've come to realize that, generally, when I'm reading a game as it goes, I'm not reading far into it. I sprint my way through the pages (as I did this morning before this post) so I can reply to people who are talking to me. So i can simply say i have very few reads and next to no strength in any of the ones I do have. The ones I tend to have are things that just stick out to me (hence all the "this doesn't feel right" suspicions) or come from ISOs later. I think that is honestly one of the biggest problems with my playstyle, and it's something I intend on working on this game. I just haven't done it at all yet :P
Yay for a lack of self-improvement and mindfulness!


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Look at how many posts were made about Sun Fan's initial refusal to claim. All that fluff that in the end doesn't matter and just artificially increases the length of the game. None of it is AI, none of it is helpful...
As much as I hate having conversations on flavor, I've come to accept that people will do it whether I want them to or not. So, I may as well support the side of "just do it now, just do it quickly" so we don't have nore situations like SunFan.
Note that I am not scumreading you for that Sun. Ive had my fill of those wagons with Moe in... whatever game that was, Canadians probably?

As for funnier's post, that's something I need to work on. I've come to realize that, generally, when I'm reading a game as it goes, I'm not reading far into it. I sprint my way through the pages (as I did this morning before this post) so I can reply to people who are talking to me. So i can simply say i have very few reads and next to no strength in any of the ones I do have. The ones I tend to have are things that just stick out to me (hence all the "this doesn't feel right" suspicions) or come from ISOs later. I think that is honestly one of the biggest problems with my playstyle, and it's something I intend on working on this game. I just haven't done it at all yet :P
Yay for a lack of self-improvement and mindfulness!

So the "character conversation" you didn't like was the conversation about Sunfan's excuses to not claim, not Minish's call to claim?


I'm not going to do this on the first day, even if flavor isn't meant to be alignment indicative.
If other people do it, I won't stop anyone.
You can believe me or not when I say that I don't have enough knowledge of Smash to like
try and hide my character because I have logic'd that it would benefit me as scum solely because of their smash or something
its my boyfriend you're looking for in that regard

I think the Canadians game was going on while Trailer Park Boys was going on; either that or it had juuuuuuuuust finished (not too sure)
I have to admit that I don't really remember that too well

These are the only posts about not claiming, I wouldn't exactly call if "fluff" or increasing the length. That aside,

Vote: Contrainer

He hasn;'t brought anything to the game so far, and I don't like it. At least the others brought up a few things that stuck out to them, so far all I've seen from Contrainer is

Vote ffunnier6

i forgot to ask for a role, so i got jigglypuff.
Vote without discussion
vote Doc
And this

This brought him out of the "inactive" list, and into the "lurky" one. I don't like it.
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