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Super Smash Brother Mafia

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Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
funnnier, johnny, doc
the whole team (unless there's 2 mafia then one of them is town)

vote: minish to get the smash ball

I still don't really feel like funnier would push FG as hard as he did if he was scum, but even I have to admit I've been starting to have my doubts. Definitely think a team of Johnny/Doc is possible though.
Feb 3, 2019
I still don't really feel like funnier would push FG as hard as he did if he was scum, but even I have to admit I've been starting to have my doubts. Definitely think a team of Johnny/Doc is possible though.

Sunfan seer
Hero Doc
SMS/funnier neighbors (SMS had a bomb and funnier has something else that SMS was supposed to explain but hasn't)
minish JOAT
Doc also JOAT
u poisoner thing
johnny ????

POE is very, very small at this point so room is running out for the mafia to hide

I think hero's claim is always real, and there's max 1 between minish and doc, imo (there's always at least 1 because I was roleblocked)
so, from your POV, one of sms/funnier is a wolf always unless you think hero is fake

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
We definitely have a confliction here. Tbh, Doc hasn't looked good all game but I'm not going to lie, his JoaT abilities sound more legit for some reason. I feel like Minish's is a let down if it's true with the recharging stuff. One ability is worthless, all she can do is commute and robleblock, which is meh. Also, fruit vendor can be a Mafia role.

With that in mind, I don't know if I'm comfortable with either of them having the final smash. I say we just have Hero make the sacrifice play, protect Sun, and Sun investigates Doc or Minish.
Feb 3, 2019
We definitely have a confliction here. Tbh, Doc hasn't looked good all game but I'm not going to lie, his JoaT abilities sound more legit for some reason. I feel like Minish's is a let down if it's true with the recharging stuff. One ability is worthless, all she can do is commute and robleblock, which is meh. Also, fruit vendor can be a Mafia role.

With that in mind, I don't know if I'm comfortable with either of them having the final smash. I say we just have Hero make the sacrifice play, protect Sun, and Sun investigates Doc or Minish.
I'm fine with this, actually
I'll hold off until Johnny claims though

vote: unvote

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Sunfan seer
Hero Doc
SMS/funnier neighbors (SMS had a bomb and funnier has something else that SMS was supposed to explain but hasn't)
minish JOAT
Doc also JOAT
u poisoner thing
johnny ????

POE is very, very small at this point so room is running out for the mafia to hide

I think hero's claim is always real, and there's max 1 between minish and doc, imo (there's always at least 1 because I was roleblocked)
so, from your POV, one of sms/funnier is a wolf always unless you think hero is fake
Funnier said he had a Boomerang, it was kinda weird and idk why he didn't just say it himself. Basically, he targets someone and whatever their night action was, it redirects to himself. Idk who he even targeted last night.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
We definitely have a confliction here. Tbh, Doc hasn't looked good all game but I'm not going to lie, his JoaT abilities sound more legit for some reason. I feel like Minish's is a let down if it's true with the recharging stuff. One ability is worthless, all she can do is commute and robleblock, which is meh. Also, fruit vendor can be a Mafia role.

With that in mind, I don't know if I'm comfortable with either of them having the final smash. I say we just have Hero make the sacrifice play, protect Sun, and Sun investigates Doc or Minish.

My abilities are definitely flavor inspired so I dunno how they don't sound legit. And Rubik even said some people have less powerful roles. And even if I'm lying, y'all would know for sure after I used the Smash and lynch me tomorrow.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
We definitely have a confliction here. Tbh, Doc hasn't looked good all game but I'm not going to lie, his JoaT abilities sound more legit for some reason. I feel like Minish's is a let down if it's true with the recharging stuff. One ability is worthless, all she can do is commute and robleblock, which is meh. Also, fruit vendor can be a Mafia role.

With that in mind, I don't know if I'm comfortable with either of them having the final smash. I say we just have Hero make the sacrifice play, protect Sun, and Sun investigates Doc or Minish.
I like this because it doesn’t result in me likely getting killed tonight, but wouldn’t Sun just get roleblocked again? Or does hero’s ability protect against that?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
With that in mind, I don't know if I'm comfortable with either of them having the final smash. I say we just have Hero make the sacrifice play, protect Sun, and Sun investigates Doc or Minish.

Also, if Hero is doctoring and Sunfan copping, who are you proposing use the final smash then? Because they can't if they're using their abilities I'm assuming.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
My abilities are definitely flavor inspired so I dunno how they don't sound legit. And Rubik even said some people have less powerful roles. And even if I'm lying, y'all would know for sure after I used the Smash and lynch me tomorrow.
Yeah but I feel like we're at the point where one slip up and we're screwed. I'd rather be cautious than sorry, ya know?

I like this because it doesn’t result in me likely getting killed tonight, but wouldn’t Sun just get roleblocked again? Or does hero’s ability protect against that?
Idk, honestly by the looks of it only you and Minish have a roleblock ability, so one of you must be scum.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
My final smash let’s me kill two players tonight and makes me bullet proof for the night. And to essentially claim my “role”, I guess I’ve been kind of a jack of all trades? I assumed everyone had diverse abilities but it seems that’s not the case. I have the ability to protect myself from night kills if I correctly guess who is targeting me. I also have a roleblock and the ability to kill any player that targets me at night, but those two prevent me from using an ability the next night so I haven’t used them.

Two kills seems excessive, compared to what everyone else had, so I'm not sure I'll vote Doc.

Since everyone claimed, I'll toss out my ability. I only have one. More or less a delayed vig. I have Warlock Punch, which lets me cast a name with the ability 3 days in a row. On the third day, that named person dies at the end of the third night. I never used it cause it seemed super situational and really had no good application imo.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
We definitely have a confliction here. Tbh, Doc hasn't looked good all game but I'm not going to lie, his JoaT abilities sound more legit for some reason. I feel like Minish's is a let down if it's true with the recharging stuff. One ability is worthless, all she can do is commute and robleblock, which is meh. Also, fruit vendor can be a Mafia role.

With that in mind, I don't know if I'm comfortable with either of them having the final smash. I say we just have Hero make the sacrifice play, protect Sun, and Sun investigates Doc or Minish.
Honestly, I find Minish's claim easier to believe for 2 reasons. 1: it was very quick after Sun made the suggestion to mass claim, meaning she didn't have a lot of time to come up with it unless she did during the night, and 2: it matches the flavour of her character, much like Alit's, Deku's, yours, funnier's, and even mine do.

That being said, I see no reason to disbelieve either of them, as both of them claimed abilities that match their characters (since Doc presumably has PK Fire, PK
Sunfan seer
Hero Doc
SMS/funnier neighbors (SMS had a bomb and funnier has something else that SMS was supposed to explain but hasn't)
minish JOAT
Doc also JOAT
u poisoner thing
johnny ????

POE is very, very small at this point so room is running out for the mafia to hide

I think hero's claim is always real, and there's max 1 between minish and doc, imo (there's always at least 1 because I was roleblocked)
so, from your POV, one of sms/funnier is a wolf always unless you think hero is fake
Actually, I'm thinking there are only 2 scum. With 2 confirmed indeps and the fact that we haven't found any, I'm finding it increasingly more likely, though 3 is definitely still possible.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Personally, I'm leaning Minish for FS. The fact that two RBs are claimed seems too good to be true. The issue is, if we choose to let Minish have it, and Doc flips town, Minish is probably scum. I'm not a fan of clearing SMS and Funnier still, just based on the Neighbor claim. I'm convinced one or both are still. The fact that SMS covered for Funnier's ability makes me feel this even more.
Feb 3, 2019
My abilities are definitely flavor inspired so I dunno how they don't sound legit. And Rubik even said some people have less powerful roles. And even if I'm lying, y'all would know for sure after I used the Smash and lynch me tomorrow.
if ur mafia, and you get a kill on top of your nightkill, then mafia would win come tomorrow by reaching 3-3
unless there's 2 mafia
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