So, I'm torn on something.
I was going to suggest everyone else who has some kind of counter or reflect ability to say so so that we all know who to avoid targeting at night, but the flip side of that is that it gives mafia free information that would benefit them as much as it does the town.
What do you guys think?
Something about the late day votes on Alit make me a little uncomfortable. With funnier agreeing with me that he should be a relatively easy scum catch later, it seems weird that he kept going with it. I agree with Minish in that his thoughts were very easy and potentially lazy, but I still think Contrainer was a better lynch in the end (before the knowledge that he wasn't town) because Alit had at least said/done something to try and help.
I know I said I would have been fine with either an Alit or Contrainer lynch yesterday, and I would have; I just don't really like that votes piled up on the former when it was clear the latter was going to be lynched.
These two quotes give me different vibes for Tristan, so it's hard for me to grasp how I really read him right now. I wanna lean towards town reading him like I was the previous day, but now it feels more iffy. The first post seems pretty townie. Seems like something I might post as town at least.
The second post however, I don't quite like. I already explained how the Alit vote wasn't exactly piling on nor easy. Plus he says that funnier agreed that Alit would be an easy scum lynch but kept going with his vote. But funnier said that after the day had 'ended' (before the day end post), so he couldn't exactly switch then. Funnier voted Alit, then presumably went to sleep, then Tristan posted some stuff and I voted Alit before eod.
Also, why would you be uncomfortable with votes "piling" on Alit when it was clear that Contrainer was going to be lynched? The only reason someone would be uncomfortable would be if Alit is scum and you're his scum partner. Because as we know now as well, Contrainer wasn't scum.
This has a good point to it. Claiming in a NAI game benefits only scum. This and his eagerness to suddenly switch the wagon at the end of yesterday definitely feels sus. At this point, I'm leaning scum on him. However, the smell thing has a weird feel to it too. I'd like to hear his input on the EOD and Night scenes.
Aside from him, Minish is another one who hopped on the ALIT wagon at the end of the day. Has me feeling unsure there too.
I'd wager at least 1 wolf was on Contrainer's wagon. I'm gonna see if anything from yesterday can pertain more to today.
First post I don't like of Johnny's. Claiming doesn't benefit scum if it's NAI. What's it going to do, possibly give them maybe some idea of flavor just like townies would get as well? The reason Tristan and I said claiming would be helpful is for the 3rd day when townies have to try and vote another townie to use their final smash. We have to vote someone we can trust and someone who we think would have the best smash to use. So I wanted people to claim before mafia could potentially come up with a plan to fakeclaim (even if it weren't super likely).
And of course after people are questioning the Alit votes, you're suspicious of the only two other people on his wagon besides you. Lol. Sure, funnier may be wavering on his thoughts of Alit, but I actually gave reason why I wanted to vote him. That reason just happened to be posted while I wasn't around and when I woke up and saw that post from Alit I was happy to make him the counter wagon.
At least I did then, ALIT is pinging me in a weird way which makes me doubt he's actually scum if that makes any sense.
Explain pls.
Also last line is lameee. Too much emotion. I don't believe it. Are you scum with Johnny and ALIT?
Also, I know this post was kinda jokey. But why ask if she's scum with Johnny and Alit when you just said you don't think Alit is scum?
Who the wolf in my list, funnier?
If I told u it wasn't johnny
Are you asking him who besides Johnny would be scum because since he's voting Johnny, or for another reason? Because Johnny seemed like the weakest of the town reads for you.
It’s cause we both chose Links.
This is interesting. Is anyone else in a neighborhood? Since similar characters can cause neighbors.
So here's where my head is at. Both wagons were pretty easy yesterday, and I'm thinking it's probable that either lynch was going to lead to a mislynch. Contrainer wasn't town, but he may as well been, losing him is a town loss. But in my opinion, the ALiT wagon feels more legit to me because it's slightly harder to justify than the lynch on Contrainer. If you voted Contrainer you got a solid reason to do it, it's a mislynch dream for scum. So, my conclusion is the Contrainer lynch was probably scum led. However, I'm not ruling out that maybe a mafioso hopped onto the ALiT wagon too.
This post is all over the place! I don't know if I necessarily think you're scum SMS, but how can you go from saying both wagons were easy to saying the Alit wagon seemed more legit because it was harder to justify? And why would mafia hop onto the competing wagon instead of just laying low on someone that wouldn't bring heat. Especially if they know that Contrainer is 'town'.
what gets me though is how you agreed with me in that Alit would be easier to read later, yet still kept your vote on him. I agree, Alit's day 1 felt a little off, but I wouldn't call it AI. Contrainer, at face value, seemed genuinely scummy to me. I just find it weird that you thought him a better lynch when he is someone who is often an easy scum read later in the game but still tried to lynch him day 1.
I already discussed the first part a bit about how funnier agreed with you after day had already ended and was in twilight. But Contrainer also seems like someone who is often an easy scum read later, as well as an easy mislynch. So why wouldn't someone go with the person who seems off rather than someone who seems like they're acting like usual?