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Super Smash Brother Mafia

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King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
Final Votecount:

5 votes:

Contrainer: The Sun Fan, HeroOfTime, Mellow Ezlo, Doc, A Link In Time

3 votes:

A Link In Time: Johnny Sooshi, funnier6, Morbid Minish

1 votes:

The Sun Fan: Spiritual Mask Salesman
DekuNut: DekuNut
Doc: Contrainer

0 votes:
Spirtual Mask Salesman: []
Funnygurl: []
Mellow Ezlo: []
Morbid Minish: []
Funnier6: []


Not Voting: Funnygurl555


End of Day One

Contrainer has been lynched.

Contrainer you are Jigglypuff, Self-Aligned Puffball.


Survivor - You have no interest in killing or being killed, you just want this game to time out with 0 deaths.

Sing - Once per game you can roleblock all players who would otherwise target you tonight.

Final Smash: Puff Up - Nothing happens to anyone else. If you die before the game ends, you still win.

Jigglypuff's plan to just sort of stand to the side of the map and jump around until the timer runs out has failed. Everyone claps and gives me $100 for putting a lot of time and effort into the eod flavor post.


Start of Night One

You have at least 24 hours to submit your night actions, I'll give the exact time later. Do not talk in thread.

Funnygurl didn't post enough today so night will not end until I either get confirmation of her intent to play the game or someone substitutes into her slot to ensure full game integrity.

Please don't post in the thread during the night.


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
End of Night 1

Funnier smells bad and also Deku was killed by someone during the night. The two things are probably unrelated, but until I see definitive evidence to the contrary, I'll keep believing that his stench was responsible, despite numerous clearly violent wounds discovered on the body. Oh well.

He was Roy, Town-Aligned Swordsman.


Counter - Once per game, you may activate this ability during the night. If you'd be targeted by an ability, kill whoever targeted you instead.

Final Smash: Critical Hit - Kill target player. If they wouldn't be killed, all votes on them the following day are worth double.


Day 2 starts now

PM me if I missed any night actions. Anyone who sent one should have gotten confirmation a few minutes ago.

You have at least 3 days.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
So, I'm torn on something.

I was going to suggest everyone else who has some kind of counter or reflect ability to say so so that we all know who to avoid targeting at night, but the flip side of that is that it gives mafia free information that would benefit them as much as it does the town.

What do you guys think?
Feb 3, 2019
So, I'm torn on something.

I was going to suggest everyone else who has some kind of counter or reflect ability to say so so that we all know who to avoid targeting at night, but the flip side of that is that it gives mafia free information that would benefit them as much as it does the town.

What do you guys think?
just let the PRs do what they want; they'll figure it out themselves

Deku you don't need to feel bad, using that ability n1 is probably a mistake
Feb 3, 2019
btw I love that Jigglypuff flavor, I can see Contrainer trying to do that in Ultimate too; just jumping off the to side hoping people don't target him


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
So, I'm torn on something.

I was going to suggest everyone else who has some kind of counter or reflect ability to say so so that we all know who to avoid targeting at night, but the flip side of that is that it gives mafia free information that would benefit them as much as it does the town.

What do you guys think?
I sorta agree with SunFan on this one. If you have a counter ability, use it cautiously but I don’t think we need to announce it here. All it does is reveal to mafia who is safe to NK and give them an opportunity to lie and keep power roles from targeting them.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I sorta agree with SunFan on this one. If you have a counter ability, use it cautiously but I don’t think we need to announce it here. All it does is reveal to mafia who is safe to NK and give them an opportunity to lie and keep power roles from targeting them.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Just wanted to know where other people stood.

It sucks that funnier died, but I don't really imagine the mafia team killing him unless they were afraid of him. I actually think the mafia killed Deku and Janitored him since his role didn't flip. But I'm confused because I don't imagine the vig killing him, so maybe the mafia did but then that doesn't explain Deku's role not flipping.
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