The Altruist
After a long and enjoying day with my friends Jerry and Alejandro, I decided to kick back and relax for a while when I got home. As soon as I got home, I immediately went to get my 3DS to play some Pokemon X and Animal Crossing: New Leaf to let time pass by. The problem with that is that I when I left Jerry's house, I didn't bother to check and I barely realized that I left my 3DS at his house. That really urks me as I really wanted to get some things done for my friends who have requested me to do some cloning for them and it really pains me that they have to wait just a bit longer for their set of Pokemon. Luckily I have already contacted Jerry and he said that he will bring me my 3DS tomorrow. While he is doing the nice gesture of delivering my system to me, he shouldn't be doing that if I had just taken the time to make sure that I had everything with before I left, and because of that, I can't play any of my 3DS games until I get it back. Well at least I learned my lesson: Always make sure that you have everything with you before you leave for you next destination. =\