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Some Digital and Sketches

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
@karu That is is so epic! I love the whites and blacks, and reverse of limbs, which gives it a supernatural aesthetic. The rib cage is also neat, helps solidify an underworld vibe.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
I love how her dress looks like is coming from sea kelp, that the leaves perhaps are floating to form it. Her hair being that peridot green is beautiful.. and the turquiose swirl markings being like waves! This is an amazing piece @karu !
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
You're my type of art critic! Here's what I love instead of I don't like this or this or that
Something I also like is how you do something with the legs, in the first piece the legs are where arms normally are, in this one they are absent save for stubs, its striking and makes the viewer, well in my case, read symbolism into it [my interpretation is that we are living in world that is less mobile, where we are online more and more, ergo legs become less needed like fish in dark caves that need no eyes. Sorry that’s me reading into your work what speaks to me..]. The fact you forgo a tail like a siren would have goes against what commonly someone would do, and I appreciate that. It makes her so unique.
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Something I also like is how you do something with the legs, in the first piece the legs are where arms normally are, in this one they are absent save for stubs, its striking and makes the viewer, well in my case, read symbolism into it [my interpretation is that we are living in world that is less mobile, where we are online more and more, ergo legs become less needed like fish in dark caves that need no eyes. Sorry that’s me reading into your work what speaks to me..]. The fact you forgo a tail like a siren would have goes against what commonly someone would do, and I appreciate that. It makes her so unique.
I love your interpretation, unfortunatly I just am not that good at drawing legs yet? Like I can but it's not up to my standards, I put care into everything else by the time I get there I just want to draw sticks lol. But I enjoy the process more than the final result? Because the final result is never gonna be what I envisioned in my mind, not yet at least.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
I love your interpretation, unfortunatly I just am not that good at drawing legs yet? Like I can but it's not up to my standards, I put care into everything else by the time I get there I just want to draw sticks lol. But I enjoy the process more than the final result? Because the final result is never gonna be what I envisioned in my mind, not yet at least.
I’m the same way in my sketches, I prefer to do heads, torsos, arms, but not legs. I usually do close ups or angles for that reason.

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