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So What's Your Plan in the Event of a Zombie Attack?


Jul 26, 2010
Well, mine would be to hole up in the nearest Wal-Mart. Gardening section to grow food if it runs out, and melee weapons although I live in Canada so there are like no guns. So what's your plan to survive? I probably wouldn't let other people in. Because adults would get all greedy and steal my food. I would defend that place like a palace. I might gather up some surviving children from school and wade out the Apocalypse. Everyone knows children are more likely to survive.

And I plan on buying this


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
This is in my plans:

The sunglasses are the selling point. Those zombies won't know what hit them.
Mar 29, 2011
All I got for my defense is my Army training and my Glock 22. However.... due to lack of me having money, I have no ammo :( so I guess my .40 cal won't work too well.
Feb 1, 2011
Well the first thing that I'm going to do is start getting as much food as I can, so to the store.

Before I go, I steal my neighbors guns so zombies can't mess with me.

When I make it to the store, I crash my car into the store so I can just load the food into my car without making any trips.

Then I go to hide in some caves that I gaurantee no zombie would get to.


wait, what?
Mar 18, 2011
I would run to my high school's tecky dep. and arm myself with hammers, saws and steel rulers.then throw some, keep some for melee purposes.


Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
I would go out on a fishing boat and collect drift wood for fires, boil sea water to purify it and catch fish to nom on. Even though i don't like fish.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
I'd move to Japan if there ever really was a chance that zombies would come back from the dead. By the time it would happen Japan would probably have fully recovered from the tsunami, most people in Japan are cremated when they die(97% I believe) so there would be less zombies around, and I could play video games that were never released in America!
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Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
I'd move to Japan if there ever really was a chance that zombies would come back from the dead. By the time it would happen Japan would probably have fully recovered from the tsunami, most people in Japan are cremated (97% I believe) so there would be less zombies around, and I could play video games that were never released in America!

Can you read Japanese??? If not...


i'm going to get all the food in my house, bring it upstairs, get my family upstairs and break my stairs so they would be able to get to me >:)


Who started saying Big Mood
Jul 27, 2010
Chicago, IL
first find a base then weapons such as a good knife, a bb gun a bow and arrows all of which i own, go out and hack my way through to the store. i would pick up allies eventually also a lot of matches and hair spray.
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
My plan? I have no plan i would probably sit on top of a pear tree with a shotgun and plenty of ammo, but i came up with that by reading a short story about an old women trying to keep people from touching her pair tree. Anyway as i said i wont last long, maybe ill gather a few friends and barricade myself in a mall with plenty of weapons, food and ammo still ill be the first one to die.


DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
I would take a Machine Gun, Mod it to shoot tiny rockets, gather as many tiny rockets as I could, plus an emergency Bazooka with a few Bazooka-size rockets, and just gun down wave after wave after wave of Zombies, yelling the whole time. Yes, I'm that strategic. :xd:


shoegaze girl
Feb 22, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
I'd have to say, I'd most likely grab my dad's 12-gauge and my family would find a bunker/hideout with some survivors. On the way to... well... anywhere, someone would be shooting out the window with the shotgun and another with the Glock 23. A good place for a hideout would be a gun shop, so probably something along the lines of that. Stock up on ammo and food/survival supplies and stick close together. If anyone is infected, keep them for as long as possible and then take them out. If anyone is missing, move on (it's the best you can do... they're most likely dead).
As far as weapons go; avoid knives, swords are better; go for shotguns, and don't aim anywhere particular, just a good blast will do; for semi autos, aim for the head; with full-autos, spray 'em anywhere. Avoid small caliber weapons like .22's and 20 gauges. EXPLOSIVES ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND!! Though they are a rarity, don't hold back on explosive use.
Fight them off for as long as you can. Don't give up until the end.
If possible, get to a place of mass transportation (e.g. an airport), and try to get to an island of sorts. Make sure none of the infected come with you, or else the whole thing would be rendered redundant.

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