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So, is Ganon the Big Bad? Or someone else?

Feb 5, 2011
I know we're WAY too early to talk about this as at the time of this writing, the first trailer isn't even a month old. Still, rewatching it got me thinking.

From the looks of it, Link does genuinely destroy Ganon since this looks like the typical Zelda final boss battle with him. His trident is left, but it does seem like Ganon left it to cause the dimensional fissures on purpose. Although, seeing as it looks like he's dead, it got me wondering if this was a "I'm taking you with me approach" or if someone else is involved, using Ganon's trident and his defeat as a means for their own plan.

Now, me personally, I'd be fine with it. I've played Princess Peach Showtime and, while that's a spin-off, not making Bowser the Big Bad was a neat idea, I kinda like Grape. So, if it turns out there's a new bad guy who is using Ganon's downfall as part of their own plans, I'd be okay with it.

What do you think? Ganon or new baddie taking advantage of his likely death?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I feel like when they have new villains, they introduce them pretty early in a game's reveal

don't know if Ganon's still the big bad, but I'm not expecting anyone else or new, maybe something like mikey said


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The big bad evil is......Zelda herself! She arranges it all inside her bubble but when G-dorf gets defeated by Link she decides to do it this time herself. So we play as Zelda but in the e nd we must switch to Link to defeat her

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