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Smash Bros 4 - Can We Finally Get a Decent Link?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'll be frank: Link sucks in every SSB game. Not just by tier list, but by a casual ranking as well. I tried to play Link (I'm good at him - he was once my main) online on Brawl and I was getting stomped. Here are Link's most significant problems, as of Brawl:

- He has little to no horizontal recovery (he had some in Melee but they nerfed it to a tether recovery in Brawl)
- He's slow AF, sucks up too many frames to get a move out.
- He has little priority.
- He has VERY LITTLE knockback
- Even as a utility fighter, he does not deal enough damage.

Does anyone else feel like Link is a bad character in all the games he's been in? If so, how would you improve him?


Jun 19, 2010
I don't know what you're talking about. I whip everyone with Link. He's one of my best characters.
Dec 11, 2012
I've always felt that Toon Link is very good, fast but weak, but regular Link just does not deal enough damage for such a heavy fighter. My biggest problem though is his tools. Links bow, boomerang and bombs are quite difficult to use, yet they deal so little, he has to be pretty far back or he gets hit by bombs so the damage there as well as the power as far as how far on gets knocked should be increased, sure it's not smash move but a little increase would be nice. Then again a lot of characters are lacking aside from link, at least they are mostly usuable, I can do alright with anyone whos up + B move takes them up (Aka I'm not playing as Ike!) Now there is someone who needs a buff.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
He's too slow for no reason, his longshot doesn't reach nearly as far as it should, and his arrow takes far too long to shoot compared to a real Zelda game. He was actually decent in Melee...not good...but decent...and then, to rig balance the tier list, Sakurai nerfs him like hell.

Give him moderate speed.

Give him a decent recovery

Fix his weapons. Bow should be instance, boomerang should stun like it did in SSB, and bombs should not have friendly fire.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Toon Link


Once again...this isn't GameFAQs. The title says Link, not a variation of Link. Toon Link and Young Link are very distinct from base Link. For clarification:

This is Link
Link (SS:cool: - SmashWikia, the wiki about SSB, Melee, Brawl and more.
Link (SSBM) - SmashWikia, the wiki about SSB, Melee, Brawl and more.
Link (SSB:cool: - SmashWikia, the wiki about SSB, Melee, Brawl and more.

This is not Link
Toon Link (SSB:cool: - SmashWikia, the wiki about SSB, Melee, Brawl and more.
Young Link (SSBM) - SmashWikia, the wiki about SSB, Melee, Brawl and more.

As you can see, Link is consistently poor across the board, and while Young Link is much the same, Toon Link excels. Why is this? They're distinct characters, that's why.


The Eigth Sage
Nov 12, 2012
Heh Heh Heh...
Link: Boss, although ranked low.
Young Link: Smaller, suckier version of Link:
Toon Link: Lighter, slower, toon-ified version of The Hero of Time.
Dec 11, 2012
Teir Lists are dumb, they have Jiggilipuff ranked high in melee, and Pikachu is ranked high in original but not in melee, not to mention fox and falco are so simular yet Falco has a much higher rating than Fox, it's dumb, Characters may not be as evenly balanced as they shuld be but it's good enough and those teir lists are so dumb.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Teir Lists are dumb, they have Jiggilipuff ranked high in melee, and Pikachu is ranked high in original but not in melee, not to mention fox and falco are so simular yet Falco has a much higher rating than Fox, it's dumb, Characters may not be as evenly balanced as they shuld be but it's good enough and those teir lists are so dumb.

I only agree with you as far as casual play is concerned. If you want to win a real tournament, you need to adhere to the tier list and really master your character(s) of choice. This is the reason why you never see a Ganondorf player in a Brawl tournament: he fricken' sucks. Similarly, you won't see Meta Knight anymore because he's such a broken character and thusly he has been banned.

You will never see Link in a tournament because he has very few VIABLE options. he's slow, and basically worthless.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Link in Super Smash Bros. (
) sucks. He does have two projectiles and is the biggest hassle to approach, but it's his poor speed on the ground (slow dashing speed and poor attacking startup and ending lag) in addition to his abysmal "recovery" that puts him in his place. He has some good airspeed and fast falling speed, though. Despite this and his above average strength, they aren't redeeming factors to what makes for some rubbish mobility. He can be easily combo'd due to above average height and weight too, which is a bad situation for a character to be in.

I, personally, look over all these flaws and use Link as my main in this game. I don't take it very seriously though, playing as half the roster and whatnot...

Link is considerably better in Super Smash Bros. Melee (
). He preserved his boomerang and bombs, and gained his bow & arrow as a new projectile, strengthening his approach options. He has a faster air speed, quicker attacks, less lag and best of all, a good recovery. Not only has the spin attack received a notable boost in height, but the hookshot can now be used when airborne for a wall grapple. Another new feature is that the Hylian Shield is no longer aesthetic, as it can block any projectile when idle. There's the new spot dodge and airdodge mechanics introduced to every character in Melee, both of which are some of the best there are in the game, which is a nice plus. Link remains an above average weight and height, which can result in taking role as a sandbag to opponents at times... Fortunately, he keeps his above average power, also. Finally, his down tilt has the ability to meteor smash now which, despite being very situational as an edgeguard, can be used for the casual surprise on opponents.

Link is also my main character in this game, who seems to actually be a solid choice this time around. Although improved in almost every conceivable way, he still doesn't manage to compare to the highest ranks, which is a shame.

As for Super Smash Bros. Brawl Link (
), he is poor, as much as it breaks my heart to say. Bluntly put, he got nerfed. He did get much stronger, a sacrifice for speed, or rather, lack thereof. Air speed went from one of the fastest down to one of the slowest. He did lose the rapid jab move, but that was useless anyway. :bleh: The wall grapple was taken away in place of the tether recovery, which is a matter of preference to which is better. I say the latter. It's a much cleaner process, I find. Speaking of, the clawshot has zero landing lag now which allows for quick and easy spacing, especially in conjunction with Link's above average range of his sword. The bow charges faster, shoots further and comes out more quickly, and the spin attack can be charged. The Boomerang became the Gale Boomerang, which loses its main hitbox, but is more functional and allows for mindgames and some impressive advanced techniques. Still, he remains a tall, heavy and fast falling character. This does amount for some intense vertical endurance (with some direction influence and solid momentum cancelling, which Link shines at), but obviously makes you an easy target. Recovery is rubbish compared to that of standard. It relies on momentum before use of the spin attack (ie. the double jump). Without, it goes almost nowhere. Okay, not "nowhere", but people find it underwhelming, and opponents will take advantage of that.

Don't get me wrong, I main Link (surprised? :right:) and ignore his flaws when playing. I have to admit that he is a poor character and I'd be lying to say otherwise. Oh well, at least he has a beast of a Final Smash.

Here are Link's most significant problems, as of Brawl:

- He has little to no horizontal recovery
- He's slow AF, sucks up too many frames to get a move out.
- He has little priority.
- He has VERY LITTLE knockback
- Even as a utility fighter, he does not deal enough damage.

Does anyone else feel like Link is a bad character in all the games he's been in? If so, how would you improve him?

2 out of 5, mate. Link has poor horizontal recovery and is slow (though not in all ways), yes, but no way in hell does he have little priority, give poor knockback or not deal enough damage.

What I wish for Link in Super Smash Bros. 4 is these two lowest factors to be buffed. That is, higher frame data and a better recovery. This would result in a balanced character, I think. He would still remain the slow type with his bevy of projectiles and options, but improve his attacking speed to at least that of average. Wonderful strength remains and we've got ourselves a good character.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Perhaps the most infuriating thing to me is that they heavily implied on Dojo that Link was getting a massive buff...and instead he got a massive nerf. -_-


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Perhaps the most infuriating thing to me is that they heavily implied on Dojo that Link was getting a massive buff...and instead he got a massive nerf. -_-

It didn't imply anything. Looking through the page, all I can see is confirmation of special moves and stating facts (eg. TP design, Clawshot and Gale Boomerang appearances, their new features). I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about...

(Link - Smash Bros. DOJO!!)
Jun 14, 2011
I have no idea what people are talking about when they say Link sucks in brawl, he really doesn't. I mean Link's slow? Really? When I battle with him his attacks are anything but slow. Unless you are talking about his actual movement which I sort of agree with, I don't see this. He also deals a pretty good amount of damage, his smash attacks really increase the opponent's Percentage and once it's high enough he has a killer move which is his down jump attack, that deals alot of damage. I do not see the problem with Link, I have won some battles with him with friends and with people online. It's more to do with how you use the character than what "Tier" he is in. Every character will have a flaw, you can't expect them to excel in every aspect.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
@Vaati101 While his falling speed is fast, his dash and airspeed are not. The latter two don't matter too much since he has his projectiles to approach with, along with his excellent aerial clawshot. His attacks are actually slow, with his fastest ground attack being his jab (7 frames to first hitbox) and fastest aerial his back air (6 frames). I don't know how much you know your stats, but that's rather poor... Particularly, it makes his shield game bad.
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Jun 14, 2011
His attacks are actually slow, with his fastest ground attack being his jab (7 frames to first hitbox) and fastest aerial his back air (6 frames). I don't know how much you know your stats, but that's rather poor... Particularly, it makes his shield game bad.

When actually battling, the above doesn't really matter. In real life you cannot swing a sword as fast as throwing a punch. It's understandable why Link has more frames for a attack because you are swinging something that's has some weight, Plus Link is holding a shield as well which also affects the speed of a swing. Smash bros is pretty much basing physics on real life situations as opposed to the physics of said Franchise. What I'm implying is who cares if Link has about 5 frames more than Mario's punch, doesn't mean he sucks, it's just natural that it takes longer to swing a sword than to throw a punch.

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