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Skyward Sword: The Use of the Lyre.

Jun 14, 2011
As we all know, the lyre that is identical to sheik's will be appearing in skyward sword. we also know that the lyre will play a major role in connection to the story. but what could it be?

Tho it's used to find important stuff, I reckon the lyre will also play the same role as the wolf stones in Twilight Princess. Basically play the song you hear and you'll get taught a sword technique. I find this idea possible, but what about you? what do you tink the lyre will be used for?


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house in Texas.
I bet it functions similar to the Ocarina of Time. You use it for warps, for effects on the overworld, and for general entertainment as you try to play full songs on it (like you could with Mikau's guitar in MM. You could alter the pitch by leaning back and forward, creating every note on a full musical scale, including the accidentals (the flats and sharps (semi-lower and semi-higher notes) for you non-musically educated))

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
I have thought of that. I think it will be used for more than sword techniques but not as impotent as the ocarina. More like the spirit flute in Spirit Tracks I think. As for what Rytex said I don't think it will that complicated. If it was like that it would be as hard as playing the lyre in real life.
Last edited:
Jun 25, 2011
I bet it functions similar to the Ocarina of Time. You use it for warps, for effects on the overworld, and for general entertainment as you try to play full songs on it (like you could with Mikau's guitar in MM. You could alter the pitch by leaning back and forward, creating every note on a full musical scale, including the accidentals (the flats and sharps (semi-lower and semi-higher notes) for you non-musically educated))

I'm pretty sure every instrument in Majora's mask could do that, as well as both ocarinas in OoT.
Jun 19, 2011
yeah, You could change the pitch of any of the mm instruments and the ocarinas in oot. anyway the more uses for the harp the better. I really don't think it will be used exclusively for new moves though. That would be a dumb recycled idea and it doesn't really fit at all and i don't see it.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
If memory serves me right, the lyre has four or five strings, so it will function with us plucking them somehow.


Flirtatously Flirty
Aug 13, 2011
Hm, when I picture link with a Harp, it just seems odd. . . He usually has some-sort of flute-like instrument . . . But like TOC said, it could be used for finding secrets and learning sword techniques, not the warping is a ruled out possiblity of course.
Jul 16, 2011
Since the itens(that are in good number) and mainly the sword are so versatile, i wonder if the Lyre will be left with any interesting gameplay use.

I think it'll be much less useful than the Wind Waker, but more useful than the Howl. But I hope the uses are not restricted to story progression stuffs, or boring environment changes, like, play this tune to make these stairs appear.
Jun 25, 2011
Actually, no. Only Mikau's Guitar could change pitch. And neither ocarina could either.

Gah I need to check these forums more frequently, didn't know I received a reply back.
Anyway, I'm right, you're wrong. First video I thought of for proof:
You can clearly see him using the left stick to change the pitches. That song wouldn't be playable with the standard up, down, left, right, and A buttons that the standard songs use.
Aug 2, 2010
If they dont have day/night change i will eat a kitten
Put that that kitten back down Hipppo. :P

I assume that it will have the same uses as the Ocarina, but I hope Nintendo will do some innovating and give it a new use. Maybe to cast spells in battle?

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