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Spoiler Skyward Sword Ending Video Link Vs. Demise!!

Feb 23, 2011
I never knew that we could post a video of the final battle here. If I had known, I would have done so days ago...


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
Waaaaaah. I really really want to watch it!!! But, I really don't want to spoil anything. I watched all the actual skyward sword news, that some people consider are spoilers but there really isn't anything spoiled from the trailers and whatnots, but THAT is a real spoiler. That's where I draw the line, but I really want to watch it. Does the video include the final cutscene? Also, doesn't Nintedno put embargoes on this until the game is released?


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I only watched enough to see what Demise actually looked like in animation. His details blew me away. Seeing his fiery mane writhe as he spoke shot tingles through me. I could feel the power of his words with each fluid motion, disregarding how bulky he is, and the hatred that emanated through them. Though a figure shown in the end, Demise has a very fleshed out character. His bitterness was made known from the start and carries itself over to the final fight quite well. This, additionally, is why I viewed it--so that I could understand his purpose as I went through the game and discern the subtleties of the plot myself.


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
I only watched enough to see what Demise actually looked like in animation. His details blew me away. Seeing his fiery mane writhe as he spoke shot tingles through me. I could feel the power of his words with each fluid motion, disregarding how bulky he is, and the hatred that emanated through them. Though a figure shown in the end, Demise has a very fleshed out character. His bitterness was made known from the start and carries itself over to the final fight quite well. This, additionally, is why I viewed it--so that I could understand his purpose as I went through the game and discern the subtleties of the plot myself.

Really? You don't find him a bit stereotypical as a villain? From initial looks of it (I haven't watched the video), he just looks like some stock villain, I feel like there's nothing special about it. Also, what do you think of him compared to Ganondorf. I really want to know without looking at the video.
Feb 23, 2011
Please without spoiling anything, can someone tell me if it's true that the last two or so battles are the HARDEST ever? I was a bit skeptical. I assume that they're not THE hardest ever, but I'm really hoping that they are quite difficult. Thank you! :)

In my opinion, Ghirahim [not the first] was more difficult. Demise's first phase felt more difficult than the second. Hopefully, I did not spoil anything for you. :yes:
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Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Really? You don't find him a bit stereotypical as a villain? From initial looks of it (I haven't watched the video), he just looks like some stock villain, I feel like there's nothing special about it. Also, what do you think of him compared to Ganondorf. I really want to know without looking at the video.

Oh, he's not stereotypical at all. Despite his looks and ferocious personality, he actually has a slight bit of edicate about him. You know, just...not...um...you know what I mean. (He's kind of like WW Ganondorf in terms of analogy.)


Aug 29, 2010
WOW.... I gotta say, even though the fight was a tad bit on the easy side, that was by far the most epic boss battle in Zelda history, especially when you have the Master Sword get shocked by lightning and shoot electric bolts. I'm slightly dissapointed that it was kinda easy looking, but I think if I were to play it, I, myself, would have a harder time fighting, I don't know why, but I just think that. =P Also, for me, Ganondorf in TP was easy, you just had to waggle spam and backflip to win. (or use fishing pole XD )

Lol, if you read the comments below on the video, lotsa people say how it's Ganondorf on steroids XD

Bah! Even though it's easy, it doesn't mean it's not epic! That fight looked epic all the way.

EDIT* I think i'll have a harder time, because I think i'll be kinda slower with the sword, i'm not into the waggle-fest slashing that some people can do.
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One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
Oh, he's not stereotypical at all. Despite his looks and ferocious personality, he actually has a slight bit of edicate about him. You know, just...not...um...you know what I mean. (He's kind of like WW Ganondorf in terms of analogy.)

OK, so the game actually gives the villain like a motive, an attitude, and not just stick the villain in and make his attitude "I want to hurt you just for the heck of it" (like how TP modeled Ganondorf)? That's a relief. I still miss Ganondorf, though... How's his attitude compared to Ghirahim? It feels Ghirahim is awesome, the way he doesn't really care about Link and is aloof all the time.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
OK, so the game actually gives the villain like a motive, an attitude, and not just stick the villain in and make his attitude "I want to hurt you just for the heck of it" (like how TP modeled Ganondorf)? That's a relief. I still miss Ganondorf, though... How's his attitude compared to Ghirahim? It feels Ghirahim is awesome, the way he doesn't really care about Link and is aloof all the time.

What do you mean? Ghirahim was designed to be the complete opposite of Ganondorf.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The quality of the graphics REALLY shot up, almost on par with that of FFXII's CG I'd say. Nice touches, Nintendo. Also, the boss battle looks rather simple. I saw a few loops possible, not that they're entirely exploitable, but they're still there and that makes quite a huge difference.

EDIT: This boss looks laughably easy now. So many loops are possible, and the guy did it shieldless as well?

Demise's sword swipe does only one heart of damage.
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must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
Trying not to read any comments but the title is a really big spoiler, don't you think? Some people don't want to know the final boss's name.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Really? You don't find him a bit stereotypical as a villain? From initial looks of it (I haven't watched the video), he just looks like some stock villain, I feel like there's nothing special about it. Also, what do you think of him compared to Ganondorf. I really want to know without looking at the video.

Trust me, everything about him is tons better than Ganondorf. Not even his coverart came close to how epic he is. This is by far the best Zelda villain we've ever seen. You could actually watch a little bit of the video to see what I mean; only the area where you fight would be spoiled, and before that a little scene between Link and Fi. But avoid the dialogue and simply watch his movements--you'll perceive my meaning from there.

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