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Skyward Sword a Mediocre Game?

May 5, 2012
lol I wasnt aiming at ya :) Well the LoZ title is the reason i wanted it but its not the reason i play it, i play it because i like it! If i didnt like it i'd leave it alone :P
May 13, 2012
I thought Skyward Sword was good, until I saw there was: 1. No Epona 2. No Gannon 3. Recalibration every 20 seconds and 4. THE ENTIRE SAVE FEATURE! It worked in Majora's Mask, it doesn't work here. Just go the Twilight Princess route! Twilight Princess included all the good things and left out the bad. It had the main villain of the series, it had Epona. It had no recalibration of the Wii remote every 20 seconds, and it did the save system right, with saving in a menu instead of a bird statue. Twilight Princess was Nintendo's biggest success in the Zelda Series since Wind Waker. Skyward Sword was nothing I wanted from a new Zelda game, and everything I didn't want.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I thought Skyward Sword was good, until I saw there was: 1. No horse 2. No Gannon 3. Recalibration every 20 seconds and 4. THE ENTIRE SAVE FEATURE! It worked in Majora's Mask, it doesn't work here. Just go the Twilight Princess route!

Whoo! 1) is sort of replaced by the Bird. 2) is pretty much the final boss. 3), can't help you with three. And 4) I would say you're right, and MM even had a "save wherever you're at" feature although it did reset your progress. SkS could've done better with the save system. It was good, but I felt that they slapped far too many warp points just for the game to celebrate (in one of the worst ways, mind you) MM's existence.

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