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Skyward Sword a Mediocre Game?

Nov 14, 2011
Okay, you win. TP and SS have zero similarities as far as plot and stories go. Yes, SS is the best game ever, and the best Zelda ever. Happy now? :kawaii:
SS in my opinion is second only to Majora's Mask and... people have the right to criticize the game fully.
If you want to criticize it, go right ahead, I won't stop you. You just need to make valid claims.
Example of a valid claim: The barren sky (Wind Waker has a buttload of islands, the same can't be said for the sky in Skyward Sword)
Off-Topic: My favourite game is Shining Force III :D


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
If you can't see TP and SS' stories being even remotely similar (and their characters as well), I'm not sure what is a "valid claim". So far, you've been pointing at small things that -anyone- can notice.
Nov 14, 2011
All Zelda games have something similar in their story. I don't know how that specifically makes Skyward Sword a target. (everyone just magically forgets that Ocarina of Time is a Link to the Past pseudo-remake)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
We've acknowledged that OoT is ALttP3D long ago, that news came with the ALttP fans (aka the originals) noting that at OoT's launch.

Don't dismiss the original idea so quickly.
Jun 21, 2012
Skyward sword has nothing on TP. It just caters to all those moaning fans.
The graphics were a step back from the beautiful visuals that was TP.
The story was utterly pathetic.
Apr 7, 2012
Death Mountain
No, I wouldn't call it that. I definitely don't think it is the best Zelda game and I will admit that I was a bit disappointed myself. But, in the end, I think it really is a great game, it was just disappointing to some people (like myself) because it wasn't what we expected it to be.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
It was a good game but it lacked in parts, it was espicely to straight forward and constricted of true potentiol.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Skyward sword has nothing on TP. It just caters to all those moaning fans.
I just cannot agree with this statement, because I believe you are using it in a manner that is incorrect. In my opinion, SS and TP are both horrible excuses for Zelda games, but SS in no way "caters to all those moaning fans".

Skyward Sword builds off of TPWii's motion controls to simulate actual swordplay. This isn't a fan request, this is noticing that you can waggle everything to death in TPWii.

Skyward Sword builds off of TP's story, having truly developing personalities like Zelda, Ghirahim, hell some would say even Link. This isn't a fan request, is noticing that the Wii isn't the N64 and thus can handle much more by way of narratives.

Skyward Sword improves the Shield Bash and makes it function far better. This isn't a fan request, this is noticing that the original Shield Attack was flawed and thus it was improved and had much better application (although I miss temporarily stunning enemies).

Skyward Sword's traveling partner, Fi, easily gives you ADVICE instead of mocking the blithering **** out of you like Midna does. This is most definitely not a fan request as fans of TP LOVED Midna, and fans of elder games generally hated their respective partners. This is noticing that a partner should be HELPFUL in many situations.

There is far more that I could point out, but I'll spare you the drab. In short, SS is not a fanmade game. It legitimately improved upon things TP introduced/failed at doing and attempted to revitalize the series for the better.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'm sick and tired of these threads and I'll merely regurgitate what I have already professed before.

Overall, Skyward Sword was a great game but you can't help but feel that it felt last generation when compared to other games on the market. Maybe it's the tried and true dungeon design, the Wii's lack of horsepower, or the text boxes which break up the action but Skyward Sword was not one of my favorite games. In it's excellent use of motion controls it is revolutionary, yes, but there was room for so much more potential. Skyward Sword was a jumble of disconnected ideas that appeared for a moment and then dissipated into oblivion. Although it helped connect the timeline and answered more question than it created, Skyward Sword failed to sow itself together into a coherent whole.

Drum said:
Skyward sword has nothing on TP. It just caters to all those moaning fans.
The graphics were a step back from the beautiful visuals that was TP.
The story was utterly pathetic.

Hello, good sir. I have come to battle you to the ends of the Earth. Let's hope you brought your A-game. Skyward Sword had the longest development period of any Zelda game to date and therefore was more than catering to fans, it had a true story to be told. Link was on a quest to save his childhood friend which added an extra layer of emotional depth to the story. Skyward Sword's graphics were anything but lacking; by ditching a realistic approach in favor of a stylistic one, Skyward Sword transcended the limits of the Wii hardware.
Last edited:


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Zelda was on a quest to save his
Zelda is the boy? ALIT, I know you're a Zelda veteran, but this is the most elementary mistake. Zelda is in fact the girl, the blonde haired girl who gets whisked away by the tornado. Unless of course, you named Link (the boy with the funny hair) Zelda.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Zelda is the boy? ALIT, I know you're a Zelda veteran, but this is the most elementary mistake. Zelda is in fact the girl, the blonde haired girl who gets whisked away by the tornado. Unless of course, you named Link (the boy with the funny hair) Zelda.

Oh wow. That truly was an elementary blunder. :sweat: Sorry. Was typing too fast and didn't think through what I was writing.
May 5, 2012
SS is a great game! The best? no but its still awesome...yes it has its flaws but for a game they are not the worst flaws a game could have. When you have to look so hard into to the flaws and nicpic for them...is it really that bad?

For those who say they didnt enjoy/like the game, why did you play through it? maybe its just me but i dont care what franchise a game is part of! If a dont like it a dont play it and leave it at that =]


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Well Nareky, before I could even legitimately complain about SS, I'd have to play it first! Haha.
But I didn't play SS to get real reasons to bash/hate/troll the game. No, I played the game because it has Legend of Zelda in the title. #bestreasonintheworld

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