Skyward sword has nothing on TP. It just caters to all those moaning fans.
I just cannot agree with this statement, because I believe you are using it in a manner that is incorrect. In my opinion, SS and TP are both horrible excuses for Zelda games, but SS in no way "caters to all those moaning fans".
Skyward Sword builds off of TPWii's motion controls to simulate actual swordplay. This isn't a fan request, this is noticing that you can waggle everything to death in TPWii.
Skyward Sword builds off of TP's story, having truly developing personalities like Zelda, Ghirahim, hell some would say even Link. This isn't a fan request, is noticing that the Wii isn't the N64 and thus can handle much more by way of narratives.
Skyward Sword improves the Shield Bash and makes it function far better. This isn't a fan request, this is noticing that the original Shield Attack was flawed and thus it was improved and had much better application (although I miss temporarily stunning enemies).
Skyward Sword's traveling partner, Fi, easily gives you ADVICE instead of mocking the blithering **** out of you like Midna does. This is most definitely not a fan request as fans of TP LOVED Midna, and fans of elder games generally hated their respective partners. This is noticing that a partner should be HELPFUL in many situations.
There is far more that I could point out, but I'll spare you the drab. In short, SS is not a fanmade game. It legitimately improved upon things TP introduced/failed at doing and attempted to revitalize the series for the better.