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Should Nintendo Do a "create a Whatever" Contest for Fans

Feb 5, 2011
I say this because I actually do see some genuinely good ideas by fans for monsters, villains and etc.
People who play Yu-Gi-Oh! will recall a few years back Konami, with co-operation from 4kids, held a contest that kids submit their own idea for a monster and a card would be made. The end result was the card Dragon Ice, which I never did get (It's on my list when I decide to get back in the game). I also believe Digimon did this idea as well, the character Dobermon being the winner.
While I'm sure Nintendo has plenty of ideas they got in the works for Zelda, do you think they should probably hold such a contest for fans to design a boss, character or villain and submit to see if said creation makes it into a future Zelda game?

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