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Sheet Music

Apr 8, 2012
Do any of you know a decent website with sheet music from Skyward Sword (for piano) ? I know herbalcell has ones for other games but not for ss yet and i know about thomandy's channel on youtube. So anything other than that? I want Crimson Loftwing, Sailing the sand sea, lanayru mining facility, island in the sky and opening the gate *if* you know sheet music plaves for those. If you have any other ones Tell me! :)
Nov 30, 2011
Here's a website I frequently go to for any video game sheet music: NinSheetMusic. Currently they only have five Skyward Sword sheets though. They also have sheets from many other game series, most from a Nintendo system. Some other places you can try are herbalcell (here: herbalcell | Free sheet music), but that site won't have SS sheets until the Wii U comes out; and there's also this Zelda fan site (here: Sheet Music), but they're really slow at updating, and don't have any SS sheets.

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