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Share Your Dreams.

Ice Sage

these are words
Jul 25, 2011
Ice Temple
Post any dream you had here and share them with others. Please keep them age appropiate.
This is the dream I had last night and it is my first lucid dream,:)

I was in the bed in my room. For no reason I did a nose pinch RC. I could still half breathe through my nose, I passed it of as the fact that I am bad at that RC. So I checked my hand and I had 6 fingers, I passed that off as I can't see good without my glasses. I looked at my alarm clock, looked away, then looked back, the dime was different. 90% sure I was dreaming I went downstairs to go outside. I looked at the clock on the stove and the letters on it were green, I looked away and looked back it was different. I went to the front door to go outside, it was dark out. I closed my eyes and tried to will it to be day, I failed. I went outside and the sun was on the horizon. There were 2 people on the street as I walked down. As I was walking I admired how real everything looked. I tried to jump in the air to fly a few times but I could only stay up longer than usual by a bit. I tried to flap my arms to help but that only caused me to fall over on my way down. I came to a park that is not in my town. There was a girl there and I challenged her to a pokemon battle. We were in the mass of people and trying to agree on a distance bewteen us for the battle. After a while I asked why we don't just go to the open field right next to the crowd. We are about to start the battle. I pretend to feel across my side for my pokeball and pretend to take it out, it was a masterball I was holding. The girl throws a green apple as if it was a pokeball, a chunk comes out of the apple and she blames me for it breaking. I go to the playground on the other side of the people and I fall. The masterball comes out of my hands and opens... nothing comes out. I try to get another pokeball which would contain a Zapdos so I could go somewhere. I am suddenly in a distorted version of my dad's house, grandparent's house, and others. This house belongs to my dream dad. I am in my dream bedroom which other than being larger is much like the bedroom I sleep in when I visit dad. I go through my pocket looking for something. A bank book and a bunch of coins are some thing that I took out. I am in the kitchen / entrance of the house and I go to the living room to do a finger check RC. (The rest of the dream goes from the living room to a place where there is a hole in the celing that leads to another room like a tunnel.) I end up in the kitchen trying to use the door as a way to get to another location because in the dream I belived this was dad's real house and it would be boring to go to a place i've already been. After a couple tries I close my eyes to help me envision what would be on the other side. When I open the I am in... my bed. I had woken myself up.

The clarity of the dream and my control of my dream got a lot worse over time.
So yeah post your dreams here.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
This is sort of a ridiculous dream, but I'll try to type it as I remember it.

I was in some sort of palace, with a waterfall just outside the window. I turned around and saw a girl, who somehow I recognized as 'wife' although I didn't speak the word. Then, it just went blank.

I believe I was 14 when i had that dream, but I do wish it came true as the girl was really beautiful and the area that the palace was around....man, what a sight that was.


Oct 4, 2010
I strangely have dreams that my friends from Hungary, and people I know show up in my school in America. Sometimes, it is the other way around. But let me talk about two significant dreams I had.

The first one was a long time ago, when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. I dreamt that my family was poor, and my chinchilla(pet) was also in my house, but he was kept in the freezer because we sold his cage to get money. Then, my Mom told me that we are out of food and we had to eat my chinchilla. Of course I freaked out, and tried to hide him, but my parents came after me and took him. They put him in a pot and started to turn on the stove when I woke up. It was a nightmare and I was glad it was over. About two weeks later, my chinchilla got a disease and died. It was very strange when I thought that the dream could be connceted with reality.

Another dream I had was this summer and I think it was also a strange dream, but it had no real life connections(or I believe...). I dreamt about his world where there was discrimination against one group's belief. Their belief was believing in themselves. The group that was against them and were killing these people were believing in their actions. There was this really tall man with a top hat and a creepy blue staring cat, who was the leader of the "action belief" group. He just killed the family of a little girl and her sister, whose family believed in themselves, and put the two kids in his car. He didn't tell them where he was driving them to, and they couldn't talk to each other either. The man's cat was staring at them the whole time. It turned out that the man drove the car up a very high mountain, and he was going to throw the kids off. Before he did, he asked them what they believed in. The sister of teh little girl kept her belief, so she was thrown down. When the man asked the little girl, she got cowardly and convinced the man that she believed in her actions and not in herself. So, the man spared her and took her to an orphanage.

This was the part when I woke up, but the dream was still going on in my head. I can't really remember it well, but the little girl made new friends at the orphanage and learned that in life, you need to believe in both beliefs. Then she conforted the man and made him realize the exact same thing.
Aug 2, 2010
Oh boy.
I wanted a PS2, because my PS3 didn't play PS2 or PS1 games.
So I bought something called a Psx (not the real one) that I didn't like because it could only play PS2 games and it looked like an ugly XBox.
It also had Netflix, but this version only had crappy movies...So I watched this "horror" movie called the Thing (unrelated to the real movie) Where there was this lizard monster that at first scared the main characters but then they kept it as a...pet. And this took place in Jerrasic park and Black Mesa from Half Life.
Then I watched an interview with the person who made the movie, who was like a 100 year old chinese lady. The interviewer(who kept changing from an Asian teenager to Kermit the frog in between camera shots) hated the movie, and the chinese lady was defending it. But then lady (who is now for some reason 17 years old)got distracted by a dating website on the computer and then the interviewer got attracted to her because of that, and then they started dating.

It was terrifying.

Ice Sage

these are words
Jul 25, 2011
Ice Temple
Here is another dream.

7/25/11 - 7/26/11
I was playing a version on Super Mario Bros. 3 at my dad's house. Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione were watching me play. I started playing, it was a top down view like in the original The Legend of Zelda. Mario was in level 8 and had 5 hearts. I didn't like that because I was doing a 3 heart quest. I checked how I got the other two hearts. I found I only got one and I was searching for how I got the other.


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
I've been watching and reading a lot of Slender Man stories, and he has crept into my dreams.

Last night, for instance, I was sitting up in bed (in my dream) watching Seinfeld. The sound on my TV suddenly cut off and I got really cold. The door across from my bed slowly creaked open, and Slendy stood in the doorway menacingly. He slowly glided toward me, and I felt my breath quickening as he did. I was muttering in fear, and I could tell that it was outside of the dream, as well. Before he could reach me I awoke with a start and was breathing heavily.

I didn't get back to sleep.
Jul 8, 2011
Somewhere in the known universe
One day I had a dream that a space lady found life in space and killed it. Some men warned her about eating it. She ate it and became a brain with tentcles and a light on her head like an angler fish. My brother and sister and I went in the bathroom and I told them to be quiet. My brother suddenly screams. The monster barges in and lands on me. As I was living my final hour the monster came closer and closer until it was within an inch of my life. My brother and sister were watching as I was about to die. They stood there screaming and watching me as I was about to be killed. Its mouth appeared and it was about to eat my face. I awoke. I think now how close I actually was to death in real life because some say if you die in a dream, you die in real life.


Hoo hoo hoo!
Aug 11, 2011
That place.
I remember this part of my dream where I was being driven back to my house and it was really gloomy and it was raining hard. I arrived at my house to see that it had Christmas decorations which really questioned me 'cause it was in the middle of Summer. I went into the house and for some reason, I went into the bathroom because it had a...massage-hammock-chair-thingy and I stayed there for what it seemed like an hour or so. Then, my older sister for some reason got mad at me so I checked outside to find a small tunnel that only a young Link can squeeze through. I crawled through my way to see that I was wearing Link's clothes and my sister turned into Zelda. We were running from Ganon and I found a mirror. We walked through the mirror to find my sister and I stranded in a Japanese grocery store and the rest was all a blur.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
I've had a few weird dreams, the latest one being this:
I created a time machine and went back in time to before E3. I told everyone on ZD that the new Wii console was called the "WiiU". No one believed me, and then when E3 announced the WiiU, I got tons of rep and I became a Hylain Noble. :lol: And then when I went forward in time, since I messed up the space-time continuum, I couldn't go to my school anymore and I worked for Nintendo instead! :lol: Weird right?

Here's two more:
Okay, so it's me and one of my ex-gfs walking down the street. It's her birthday and I had just bought her ice-cream. I walk her home, and as I'm walking away, she turns back and goes "Joey,"... I turn towards her and go... "yeah?" She goes, "Kiss me..." and we start making out right there on her doorstep.
For WHATEVER reason, this is weird to me.
So, I walk into school, and a whole bunch of my "lady friends" swarm around me. One of them tries to rip off my shirt, many of them are kissing me all over the place, and it was just so... epic. It was, like, so un-realistic, but so f***ing awesome at the same time. And then one of them, like, starts rubbing her hand on my chest and... yeah. :xd:

And here's a recent one:
It starts out with me at home, on Halloween, when my doorbell rings. Assuming it's trick-or-treaters, I open the door to find one of my best lady friends there, beckoning me to join her and go trick-or-treating with her. Well, we go, have a good time, and then when we start walking again, I take her hand and I tell her I like her, she tells me she likes me, and we just have an epic make-out session, right in the middle of the road. :yes: And then her friends show up out of nowhere and they get all excited when they see us... it was weird.

So... yeah. More to come, lol.

PK Love Omega

PK Flash's Good Twin
Jul 28, 2011
In a forest
I was about to die, and suddenly my heart beats at about 500 times a millisecond. My nails grew longer, my clothes ripped, I was left with ripped pants, I got a sixpack (:D) my eyes turned red, I got a white clean set of teeth, my hair ruffened up and I was grew 5000 feet tall. I ate my enemies and tortured my friends (BURN BURN FREEZE FREEZE :O) ran around the world and crushed everything, getting scars from lava and scratches from trees, filled the Grand Canyon with water and then bathed. Then, my friends came and attacked me like Pikmin, and then I burst into flames. I started to float, and my friends hold on desperately on my body, and I floated to the Sun Somehow not egffected by the brightness or hotness, I striked the core and corrupted the sun. I brought all the stars together and Space debry, giving enough power for the Sun to supernova. The Supernova burns the entire Universe, but doesn't wipe the whole of the Universe out. No one was harmed. The Sun was now gone. But the remainings of stars brightened and powered Earth.... Until a Black Hole appears in front of me and I forgot the Sun was a star. The remaining people on the Earth harnessed some Nuclear Energy from the Sun, powering the Earth. Unfortunately, the Black Hole sucked my friends and I up, anjd oddly enough, the Univese

And then heres another one:

After warring with my enemies, I fell weak and I nearly died. They took me to a lab which was very futuristic. They put me in a tube and electrocuted me for an hour. I couldn't wake up, but when I did, I was locked in a room and they attacked me with a freeze been and then burnt me. I was now shaking, weak and charred. When I woke up, I was in a spa and I felt OK, but I realized there were cuffs on my wrists and ankles... but there was plasma trying them together. Then the leader of the rivals and his right hand man shocked me and grabbed me. I woke up on a bed and I was getting remodeled. I was in a futuristic suit and I had a gun turret on my arm. Then on, I worked for my rival, brainwashed. Eventually when they were done with me, they electrocuted me and dumped me in Yellowstone.

And yeah, Yellowstone burnt the world and they went in there fireproof lab.... then the leader pwned his 10 followers.

Yeah, weird dreams.

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