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Spoiler Save Statues

Aug 25, 2011
You cant tell me its because the game is too big to save anywhere... there are MUCH bigger and complicated games that have save anywhere in them I mean games have had that ability for what more than a decade?.. If they are doing it to avoid game ending bugs they are just being lazy... we pay them pretty good money to buy the games part of that money is so they have worked all that out before hand.
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Aug 15, 2011
Hyrule! [:
I agree fully...I want a game where I don't have to get to a statue to quite...but I do hope they are everywhere...but that seems unlikely also because the statues appear to be there to have link get back on his bird...unless there is a 'return to entrance feature or something like that...and that seems a little hard to believe.
But, most games I play have the option to save anytime..and sure, seamless game play makes sense, but you could just press the - or + button...wouldn't be that hard...and it would make it so only one menu comes up...but maybe i"m looking too far into it..
Jun 25, 2011
I don't quite understand why everyone is looking at the new save system in a negative light.

First of all: it's nothing like MM's save system. Just because you could save at certain points in MM doesn't make it anything like SS. In MM you had to quit when saving at an owl statue or when traveling back in time to the first day, and we've seen nothing to indicate that will be the case with SS.

Second, something about this system that's potentially better than previous installments: this system looks like we'll be able to pick up our file EXACTLY where we left off. OoT was a huge pain in that respect, being all the way back to either the temple of time or Link's tree house. Maybe in SS we can just start off at the statue we saved at? Idk if this has been confirmed, but it seems likely.

Lastly, it looks like those statues are more common than the owl statues were. I might even end up saving more often using the statues than I would have otherwise.


Sage of Wisdom
May 28, 2011
^Yes, from what I've heard these are save points where we start off exactly where we saved. It sounds grand, and they're everywhere so no big deal.
Aug 15, 2011
Hyrule! [:
Okay...I half agree with your point. and I do agree it's better we don't have to quit when we save...but what makes you think they are more common? We've only seen the one in the video...how do we know that isn't the only one in the area link is at? Just my thoughts..not disagreeing, just want to know what you think of that. and yes, I do agree that starting off exactly where we left off would be nice.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Okay...I half agree with your point. and I do agree it's better we don't have to quit when we save...but what makes you think they are more common? We've only seen the one in the video...how do we know that isn't the only one in the area link is at? Just my thoughts..not disagreeing, just want to know what you think of that. and yes, I do agree that starting off exactly where we left off would be nice.

The Save Statues, if that's what they're called, will probably be evenly spaced out, like the Owl Statues in TP I'm thinking, so we won't have to worry about them being more common. It would indeed be nice if they weren't far from the location we'd be destined for next (but how would Nintendo know where we'd be going next?) so it didn't take that much time to get there. Honestly, I'd rather be relatively close to the destination; I like jumping back into the game as soon as possible.
Aug 15, 2011
Hyrule! [:
I really hope they aren't THAT spread out...I mean, if I'm doing some exploring, and I get alot done, there is that chance of maybe not being able to save..


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
If the save statues are the only way to save, I think Nintendo may have made a poor choice in that respect. Like a lot of people have said, there is the possibility of having gotten so much work done but not being relatively close to an owl statue. What if you had to get off right quick because a parent was mad? Or, you accidentally were playing for too long and school decided to roll on by? Losing all of that work is a pain in the butt, and Majora's Mask stands as proof. Who really wants to redo all of that hard work? With SS being shown off as 50-100 hours, I would hate to lose 5 days worth of that game [though that is unrealistic for someone to have played it for 5 days straight unless they happen to be an insomniac to some degree].

Now, there is the speed factor to take into account as well. Instead of rolling, we get the dashing and stamina features so as to make travel ever so slightly easier. The bird seems particularly fast, so I see no issues in that. There may even be a quick warp to Skyloft; all we must do is wait. So, the game appears to have really fast means of travel so getting to and from places may not be as much of a hassle as we are assuming it could be. Still, I like my ability to save anywhere and everywhere within the game, so if there is no pause menu with that save button, I will be mad at Nintendo for that choice but I can respect it as most RPGs don't allow saving everywhere.


Sage of Wisdom
May 28, 2011
How hard is it to dash to a statue and save? I lose more progress by forgetting to manually save in menus than by save points, when there are save points I actually remember to save more.


Jan 19, 2011
In the portion of the sky temple shown at E3, we saw to save staues, one in the big room with the Stalfos Egg, and one outside of the boss room. I think this sould be reasuring to those who think there will be only a few aroudn each area.
Jul 25, 2011
In the US
I think this is a better way than how you saved in MM. What I meant by what I said is that I don't think the statues will have the same purpose as they did in MM. Yes you did save by them but once you loaded the file that had the owl by it the next time you look it will not be there. They will probably keep your file and you can keep coming back to them without having to worry about saving every time after you load the file and making sure the progress that you had is still there.

They could still have the option to save on the menu.
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Mad Artist
Jun 5, 2011
I think that when you save at a statue, when you load the save YOU WILL RESTART AT THE STATUE POINT, and when you save at the menu(I'm not confirming anything) YOU RETURN TO SKYLOFT when you load
Jul 22, 2011
The problem with MM's save system was that they were pretty scarce throughout and their design blended in with the environment. SS on the other hand, seems to have the statues logically placed throughout and has symbols on them that let them stand out.

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