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Spoiler Save Statues

Aug 15, 2011
Hyrule! [:
Ok, so, as we all know, in the video of the upgrading, in the video it shows a save statue...now, is that going to be the only way to save? Because it looked like it's main function was to fly back to the skys...if thats the case wouldn't it make sence to have it so you can save in the menu?
I mean, I loved Majora's mask, but I hated that! I just really hope it isn't used again...that's be a big mistake in my opinion.

Thoughts? Comments? Please, do tell :]


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I'm thinking we'll be able to save in the menu, just as we were in OoT, WW, and TP. The statues have only been confirmed to launch you back into the sky, where you meet up with your bird and it takes you back to Skyloft...at least this is to my knowledge.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I really think that the statues will be the only way to save. I mean, why would they let you save with a statue or in the menu? It's either one or the other, I think.
Aug 15, 2011
Hyrule! [:
I would definitely prefer menu save over statue save...I can't help but feel I'm on a schedule or the world isn't as open as it could be if there was because I HAVE to go to a very specific point in order to save, and I play randomly, and sometimes only for 10 mins, so it'd be really hard (I feel) to do quick plays and not being able to save the second I need too...that's just my feeling
Dec 24, 2010
I think it's just with statues. It's all part of SS' design philosophy of not having pause-menu's.


Mad Artist
Jun 5, 2011
I believe they did this to prevent these game-ending bugs from saving in certain places


Aug 29, 2010
I, for one, hate having to save in a certain place. Though, i'm being nit-picky and all, but i'll let it slide. I'm sure they have a reason to put save statues and stuff. Ah well, at least we get a new Zelda eh?


The game is on!
I'm afraid those statues will be the only points where one can save the game (why would they even have that option anyway?). I really hope that isn't the case though, cause I want the save mechanics to work as they did in WW and TP. But I guess it won't be a problem as long as there are a lot of statues shattered across the overworld and dungeons.
Jan 24, 2011
I'm thinking the idea is that this game is too huge for a "save anywhere" function to be implemented effectively.

But rest assured these statues appear roughly every five feet (even in dungeons) so you'll have frequent opportunities to save.
Aug 25, 2011
this day and age its just silly to have "save points" Modern games should be able to save when you want... AND autosave on occasion.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
Sadly, I think this will be the only way to save... :( One of the main ideas behind SS is no game interrupting, which means we probably won't get a menu. This sucks because I know that things come in an instant and I just save there and turn off the Wii. However, now I'll have to find a statue before getting on with the rest of my life. Also, if you think about it, what would be the point of a saving statue if you could save at anytime from the menu? No, this HAS to be the only way to save... DANG IT!!! :mad:

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