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Saddest Zelda Scene

Feb 6, 2008
I found Twilight Princess' ending much sadder, and not in a depressing way. The idea of losing a friend forever has always been one of my biggest fears, so its ending really got to me.

I wish I could play TP but it's at my dad's house. But yah I would probably would end up crying at the end of it :cry:
May 25, 2008
In my house
Contrary to most people, I didn't really get much from the ending of Twilight Princess. Didn't really seem that sad. Maybe I was too damn happy about how Ganondorf died. ^_^

If I had to say one, I would probably say some random scene I can't remember in Majora's Mask. I haven't come across too many things that made me sad, except for like that whole Game. D:


Most of the endings seem pretty sad, not really in a horribly sad way, it just seems sorta empty. Link never really gets much out of it, just has to live his life like nothing happened, no recognition or anything, make an heir, so there will be another Link to save everyone when things get bad, again.
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
Most of the endings seem pretty sad, not really in a horribly sad way, it just seems sorta empty. Link never really gets much out of it, just has to live his life like nothing happened, no recognition or anything, make an heir, so there will be another Link to save everyone when things get bad, again.

Hmmm..... I don't think that type of ending is specifically sad, it's sort of like the hero has defeated the evil in the land, and he's laying his sword down for a peaceful life. He hopefully doesn't have to keep fighting evil people to achieve happiness. I think the saddest endings are when someone (A friend of Link's usually) is leaving for good. Such as, in TP, MC, and to an extent, LA. But that's just my opinion.
Oct 18, 2008
In my coffin
How about when Midna destroys the mirror,to make sure that the light and twilight worlds won't mix again.And she has to leave as well.


World's Dumbest Zombie.
Nov 5, 2007
The saddest scene ever was when Optimus Prime died and passed on leadership to Hot Rod.
No wait, Zelda? I think the saddest for me was probably the end of Ocarina of Time because it's personally my favorite game and it kind of hit me hard when it was over. As for the saddest scene from a nonpersonal standpoint which just sees it as a scene, I think the saddest was not the end of Twilight Princess, but rather somewhere around the middle where Zelda gave up her life for Midna. This was kind of a bugger because Zelda has always been the character Link should have fallen in love with but never did, and now how could she? She was dead. That hit me pretty hard 'cause I'm the kind of person who can get slightly emotionally attached to a video game or TV series or whatever. Such was the same when Optimus Prime died. I really did cry when Optimus Prime died. And when I saw that movie for the first time, I was like fifteen. I'd seen every other episode of most of the serieses.... Seriesi. Series? Whatever the plural of series is.... Anyway, back to Zelda, I think that was the most traumatizing to a true nerd like myself.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
I would have to say in OoT, when Naubru gets kidnapped, then you fight her without realizing it. It isn't sad, but it's messed up.
Oct 20, 2008
Maybe I'm just strange but, I found the saddest Zelda scene also one of the most ironic ones. It's the scene in Majora's Mask where you go to the ranch house on the third day and everyone is crying and paranoid about the moon falling.
But, when you talk to Anju, she says "I waited for him...but..He.never came, oh well.." Talk about depressing!
But here's the irony, if you go back to the stock pot inn at midnight, you can watch Kafei there, doing the same thing. Ironic, and sad.


Sep 15, 2008
The whole Anju/Kafei sidestory is a bit sad... In the manga is even more sad, cause skull kid transformed Kafei into a child 2 days before the wedding or so...

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