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OoT-GCN Rupee Glitch Problem in Masterquest Version of OOT

Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
This happened to me when i was in Ganon's Castle in trying to dispel the fire barrier. when you enter the room, you need to collect 5 silver rupees which was fine until there was a sequence where Link uses his golden gauntlets to throw the black stone. the glitched rupee is in the air. when i touched it, i went right throught it! Does anyone else have this problem? Also sorry if this is in the wrong forum. help needed please!!!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Did you try resetting the game? The rupee "hitbox" for silver rupees is noticeably different from regular rupees (this is a glitch). I've noticed very few people have encountered glitches with OoTMQ and I've never heard of this one. All I can say is reset the game or, in worst case scenario, you may have to restart.


I think I remember how I did this. I don't think you've run into a glitch, there's just a different way of getting it. Let me pull out my OOT3D copy and double check though.

EDIT: Ok, I can't tell for sure because the game won't reset the rupees in that room after you beat it but I believe you have to stand on the platform that takes you up(there is one on this side of the room) and then jump down onto the huge bolder and snag the rupee that way. I'm pretty sure that's what I did here.
Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
ok thanks i'll give it a try...damn game designs.....:silent:

thanks i try it again....ughhh i started freeakin out when something went wrong...:sweat:
Last edited:
Aug 29, 2021
Many years late, but answering in case someone needs it.

It happened to me in the first platform that rises. I would go through the rupee. Fixed it by jump attacking at it from right below it.

As someone said before in the thread, this might be a glitch with the position of this "hitbox"

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