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Redeads in Hyrule Castle Town

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Mark is right, the info from the Melee Redead trophy debunks this, but it's really a toss up on whether the Smash trophies contain canon info. For example, the trophy claims all the citizens from Castle Town escaped, but this isn't entirely true. We see most of them in Kakariko, the rest we see during the game's credits cutscenes, a large majority of the citizens survived but there are 7 or 8 NPCs Link never encounters as an adult, if my memory serves correctly.

The little girl chasing the cucco in the central plaza would be a teenager, a few years younger than Link after the 7 years, but he never meets a girl who could be her. There is also a lady who is trying to itch her back, and a man standing near her and they are never seen again. There is a cowboy guy in front of the Potion Shop who disappears, a guy who lives in the back alley that never shows up again, and also an old man that wears orange robes and loiters around the back alley in front of the Bombchu shop. I also can't remember if we see the Treasure Box Shopkeeper along with the other shopkeepers at the Lon Lon Ranch party, so 7~8 NPCs go missing.


Spoonman, come together with your hands, save meee
Apr 12, 2021
In your head, in your head. Zombie zombie zombie.
Mark is right, the info from the Melee Redead trophy debunks this, but it's really a toss up on whether the Smash trophies contain canon info. For example, the trophy claims all the citizens from Castle Town escaped, but this isn't entirely true. We see most of them in Kakariko, the rest we see during the game's credits cutscenes, a large majority of the citizens survived but there are 7 or 8 NPCs Link never encounters as an adult, if my memory serves correctly.

The little girl chasing the cucco in the central plaza would be a teenager, a few years younger than Link after the 7 years, but he never meets a girl who could be her. There is also a lady who is trying to itch her back, and a man standing near her and they are never seen again. There is a cowboy guy in front of the Potion Shop who disappears, a guy who lives in the back alley that never shows up again, and also an old man that wears orange robes and loiters around the back alley in front of the Bombchu shop. I also can't remember if we see the Treasure Box Shopkeeper along with the other shopkeepers at the Lon Lon Ranch party, so 7~8 NPCs go missing.
This was my reasoning (the bottom paragraph)
Oct 10, 2017
It wouldn't be the first time a game involved an edgy story element, then "officially ;)" stated that it is actually this more acceptable thing over here.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
The ReDeads always come back tho... I for sure believe that they're citizens that didn't make it out in time, but I think the Smash trophy thing is true in that it's magic constantly reaniamting them, hence the name ReDeads.

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