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Rate the Last Game That You Played


Extraordinary Machine
Oct 13, 2016
Skyward Sword - 9/10

Definitely my new favorite Zelda game behind OoT. It's been a long time since a video game made me feel the way that Skyward Sword has made me feel. I laughed, I said 'awww,' I got nervous and scared, and I even cried a tear or two at the end. I absolutely loved this game and I think it's underrated. Yes, there were moments where the controls pissed me off but overall I enjoyed playing that way. My biggest complaint was that there was that you can't move the camera which made certain moments more difficult than they needed to be.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
Game: Divinity: Original Sin EE
Genre: Isometric Action RPG
Platform: Mac

I had never really been into games like Diablo or Baldu's Gate. But recently I got into them and I mean REALLY gotten into them. I've played a lot of Torchlight and Eschalon Book I, but out of the lot, Divinity is by far the best.

I have already spent nearly 60 hours into the game. I can't get enough. First, it's incredibly addictive. The combat—turn-based of all things—does not get stale; there is some serious strategizing to be done when you come across an enemy. Terrain makes a difference, status effects are huge, and your and the enemies positioning on the battlefield can be the difference between victory and crushing defeat. Second, the music. OH MAH GAWD. I love the music in this game so much. Sometimes I just leave the game on to hear the music. It's an absolutely perfect soundtrack. And finally, it's a gorgeous little game. Everything is animated so well, the detail on the armor, the water effects, etc..

I think it's really made its way into my heart by jumping into my Top 5 Games of All Time. It really has. It's incredible. Anyone with a STEAM account HAS to get this game. I mean, if you want.

Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
Battlefield 1: 7/10.

Game is really fun for awhile, but I find the progression and lack of weapon mods in the game to really kill a lot of its intensive. I'm 35 hours in and I just don't feel like my progress matters anymore, the website stats suck, the in game stats suck, and over all a whole bunch of things need tweaking. I'd say if you have a bunch of friends to play it with, its worth the money, if not, I'd hold out for a sale or more of the DLC to be out.
Oct 11, 2016
New Super Mario Bros U: just randomly decided to play it again, I've got to say it does everything I need a Mario game to do, all while being just a general joy to play. 9.5/10 (The only downside might be that it's a tad to short, other than that I see no legitimate reason to give it any lower number: who cares if it's too similar to the Wii/DS versions, it's still great fun).

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
Lost Magic: 7.3/10

I absolutely love this game but, full disclosure, it's not a 10/10. It's an old game for the original DS, top down, kind of RTSish? You play as a rune mage and you capture squads of monsters to battle other mages and monsters. The story in the campaign is obvious but engaging, the gameplay is a bit repetitive but fun, the real greatness is the strategy. If I recall correctly, there are 396 spells in the game. 396! So many possibilities! And the greatest thing about the game? The multiplayer! That's a right, a third party DS game with awesome multiplayer! I had some of the best times with this game, it's a must play even if it is imperfect.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Star Trek Online

I like Star Trek but wouldn't consider myself a Trekkie. I have a sort of detached curiosity with MMOs. I want to play them all but I know I'm not going to like them. Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO I've ever liked. STO is no different really. It's not really an MMO cuz it is barely multiplayer. Having other players around is largely beside the point. It's pretty straightforward. Typical MMO standard fare of go here, kill this, click on that was rinse repeat. Except a lot of missions do this annoying thing where you have to perform some sequence that requires you to do homework. Yeah, as in read a passage for review and then it tests you on your comprehension. I guess they're tying to make it feel like players are the nerdy problem solvers of Star Trek fame but it really is just 4th grade reading comprehension.

Other than that, STO nails the Star Trek look and feel quite nicely. Since because of time travel shenanigans it takes place in both the Next Generation and Original Series 23rd Century. It's got all sorts of ship types and uniforms from the show for all the trekkies to salivate over.

Space combat is simple if well done and you won't see much of anything like it in your usual MMO. Ground combat is a sort of real-time direct action quasi twitch-shooter thing. You can bring your bridge crew with you on away missions and they'll mostly just spam whatever abilities you have set for them as necessary. They'll also interject a lot in conversations and events so it feels like away missions from the show but they're completely lacking in personality. You can also customize them all individually and the character builder in STO is pretty robust. The story is a bit more engaging that most MMOs I've played but you're free to gloss over it and won't miss much if you do.

But the bugs. Oh got the bugs. And I'm not talking space bugs, I'm talking glitches. This game likes to glitch out. I've had to drop missions because something's gone wrong- interface malfunction, event fails to trigger... bugs and glitches happen frequently. STO reminds me a lot of a PS2 era game. Basically functional if a bit dodgy and utterly unrefined. It looks like a PS2 era game too, in terms of production values. Animations took me way back to 2004.

But it's FREE!! Bernie fans should be ecstatic. Unless you really want to trekkie out on the fan goodies you'll never have much reason to engage in the cash shop. STO really doesn't have much to offer as an MMO. I can't see myself spending much more time on it. It's not a total loss but it's not worth much time or any money.

Oct 3, 2016
Last game I played was hyrule warriors legends. I would give it 8/10 . Why 8? Well its better then a 7 but is too repetitive to be a 9. Not very good reasoning but it is what it is.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 10/10
The very first Falcom game I've played and enjoyed all the way through. It has a memorable cast of characters, an incredible soundtrack, an episodic story rife with unexpected plot points, and most importantly of all, a dynamic turn-based battle system. Somewhat mixing SRPG elements with traditional turn-based action, the combat allows the player to freely move around, attack, unbalance an enemy, or cast "arts" within a confined space. Considering it's a JRPG, Trails still has its fair share of tropes and forced scenarios, but the characters are relatable nonetheless as Rean and the rest of Class VII journey to their hometowns on field studies and learn more about each other's backgrounds. Furthermore, they're overwhelmed by the parious state of the Erebonian Empire as it teeters on the brink of war.

I'm looking forward to the next installment, which released in the US recently.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Guild Wars 2: 9/10
Transferred over from WoW. Everything about GW2 is better.

I had GW2 on my old PC and don't remember my old username and password. I might start playing again and if I do, I'll let you know.

Heroes of the Storm - 6/10. Pretty solid. I don't appreciate having to buy the heroes though. Really sucks playing competitive and you can't counter an enemy pick because you don't own the right heroes.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Majorad mask 3d

Just beat twinmold and destroyed majoras mask
Eat my ass nigga i swear twinmold3d js the wrst deaigned boss ever in video games.

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