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Preferred aspect ratio for older games

I've seen plenty of back-and-forth on this topic (and searched to see if this kind of thread has been made but came up empty), so I'm curious.

For games made before widescreen became standard, which aspect ratio do you prefer? Some folks like to force 16:9 or widescreen even if it stretches the image, and others favor keeping the original size.

I definitely prefer the latter unless there's a way to avoid stretching the HUD or other things on the screen. Even if there is a way to avoid stretching, sometimes I prefer 4:3 just for authenticity's sake.

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
it's hard to make pokemon XD look good in 4:3, but stretching it makes the dimensions of the HUD and pokemon look a bit odd. I still prefer widescreen aorn. Haven't really looked at other games because I just play those in their natural dimensions, no need to make them look presentable

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