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Possible Solutions to Global Warming.

Ayn Marx

Welfare Queen
Feb 7, 2014
The United Soviet States of America
Being the massive issue that it is. If we got some of the worlds top scientists. Such as Bill Nye, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Steve Jobs (if he were still alive) or PZ Myers to discuss the extreme increase in temperature of the earth. What sort of solutions do you think they would come up with? Solar roadways? Dyson Spheres?.


Nov 12, 2010
Alright, I feel like this is kind of a joke thread, but I'll take the bait anyway. I'll just toss most of your scientists out of the drawing board, seeing as how Bill Nye is really only well versed on a middle school-high school science level. Regardless of what others say, his debate against creationism was more rambling than actually important discussion. Steve Jobs was much more a visionary than a scientist, and you bringing him up is what gave me the idea that this is a joke. I would say Neil and PZ Meyers are more qualified, but it's not quite their field. Still, NDT is a well spoken man with a great understanding of science.

There are a few ways for us to help curb the effects of climate change.

1. Alternative Energy - This is a no brainer. If we use alternative energy in lieu of fossil fuels, we can certainly reduce carbon emission in the atmosphere. This goes from factories to our cars. Solar panels, while an expensive venture in the beginning, pays off in the long run. I would say nuclear is our best bet, though there's always the threat of a catastrophic event like Chernobyl. I actually live by a nuclear plant, though, and there's never been a problem. I'm not really an expert on the subject, but my understanding of nuclear fission is that it produces enormous amounts of energy.

Now, electric cars are another awesome way to curb climate change. The Tesla is gaining more traction as time goes on, and I'm excited to see the day that more car companies go electric to further drive down the price of the Tesla. Fully electric cars are still quite expensive, but if more companies made them, it could certainly drive down the price.

2. Carpooling/Public Transportation - This is more of a United States solution than Europe. Public transportation in the United States - save the subway system in New York City - is largely a joke. A lot of the buses aren't on time, there aren't enough, they don't go into the suburbs, etc. A lot of people own cars for this reason. The problem with this is that cars, which usually only have one or two people in them, take up a lot of space on the road. If you have a bus that has 20 people in it, then it's a lot more space-effective. A heavier reliance on public transportation, in addition to a more effective system, would reduce traffic, and reduce carbon emission.

As for carpooling, this is something that people can do right now. Instead of just you driving to work, if you and your four coworkers piled into your F-150, that would be four less cars on the road and even less carbon emission. Everyone would also save on gas, as well.

3. Alternative Modes of Transportation - This is almost an extension of point #2. Riding your bike to the grocery store if you know you just need a few things can save a lot on both gas money and help the environment. Not to mention you also get a good workout. There are really no downsides to this if you look at it in a positive way. Instead of thinking, "Ugh, that's so much more work for me," you can think, "Hey, I can save money, help the environment, and get a workout!" This one is all a matter of perspective.

I'd say these are the best options we really have.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Back in my engineering workshop, my university was fortunate enough to have both an electrical engineer and civil engineer to come down and speak to us future engineers. One topic that they focus upon was efficiency of electrical cars and solar roadways. Electrical cars, while available to the market to anyone who can afford one, are simply not reliable due to the fact that there wouldn't be many areas to recharge the battery inside the electrical car. That said, they also mentioned that using solar panels is a very clean and efficient way to prevent pollution from further damaging the environment. The two engineers stated that having both electrical cars and solar panels would really benefit the environment. When thinking about electrical cars and solar panels, this video comes to mind first. This project was fully funded a few months ago and is currently being developed. I for one can't wait to see the entire nation be covered by solar panels!



Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Solar Roadways are being heavily debated about right now. A lot of people think they are barely even feasible. But it is an interesting idea.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Solar Roadways are being heavily debated about right now. A lot of people think they are barely even feasible. But it is an interesting idea.
My disdain for the global warming myth aside, I do love green technology. And I love the idea of solar roadways. I think ultimately we should aim to getting solar power collectors integrated into almost everything. Building siding and roofing, roadways, streetlights, cars, anything exposed to sunlight. That being said, the current team pushing this solar roadway idea has absolutely no idea what they are doing and the materials that we currently have to work with are not good enough to do it yet. So hold onto the idea, but don't believe these scam artists, they don't know what they're doing. Push for more serious work to be done on it and for more research into better solar collectors and better road materials.

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