- Joined
- Jun 14, 2011
But couldn't the tale be true if Magikarp turns into Dragonite then because it's a dragon?
I see your point, however Gyarados is considered to be a Dragon even though it's not a dragon type.
But couldn't the tale be true if Magikarp turns into Dragonite then because it's a dragon?
But couldn't the tale be true if Magikarp turns into Dragonite then because it's a dragon? I think it'd be cool if Dragonite was Dragon/Water
It's a stretch too big, plus, as I said before Dragon/Water was too broken back in the day Dragonite was out (still is, imo)
Hmm... I dunno.
Your theory doesn't seem too far off, though. Many things are often changed, rearranged, and/or scrapped altogether during the developmental process of video games, anime, and other media; the instances that you provided might serve to attest to this fact. However, one can never be entirely sure.
To contribute my own take on this, I present to you Blaziken:
There is evidence to suggest that its design was either 1.) recycled after a scrapped design of an entirely different Pokemon, or 2.) was originally going to be a pre-evolved form of Latias and/or Latios who - given the fact that legendaries do not evolve - were probably originally just going to be regular old Pokemon (not legendaries). Whatever the case, the Pokemon seen in the per-alpha illustration below shares many physical attributes of the three aforementioned Pokemon, and the peculiarities are striking to say the very least.
The Pokemon in the illustration above has been dubbed "Latiken" or "Latiaziken" by fans, and the rider appears to resemble the Dragon-Type Gym Leader Claire.
Prototype Pokemon and Characters