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Hyrule Warriors Pick a DLC Character

Azure Sage

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We know DLC packs 1 and 2 are both adding new characters, and we can make pretty good guesses as to who the first pack will give us, but beyond that, things could be more interesting. This thread is where you can name a character you want to see in the DLC in either pack. Who would you add to the game?

Personally, I'd add Linkle, but not the same way as the first HW did her. Link had a little sister in concept art as we saw in Creating a Champion, so I'd love to see them go back to Linkle's original roots as Aryll and pull from that. Either way, I definitely want her to keep the crossbows and boots, they were both incredibly fun playstyles. I really wanna see her in some Champion blues, as well.

What about you guys? Who would you add? Someone from the future, someone from the past we haven't seen yet, or someone from a different game entirely?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Feb 15, 2021
Well we're pretty sure they're adding Purah, so why not add Purah from BotW! Maybe if she accidently makes a time portal and hops into an alternate reality, how amazing would that be! That's it, imma petition this to Nintendo...


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
It would be beyond great if they add Volga but that's most definitely not going to happen. I sure hope it's Sooga for sure. He's a great fun character and his moves are badass. I also hope it's Astor because even though I didn't really care for him as a villain I certainly like to play him because his moves and combos will be without a doubt great. But my main hope is for Sooga.

Edit: I didn't read the question properly. Someone from the past I guess. Medli or Saria. Both played a part in the past, both were fun and cool characters and Medli was beyond cool in HW. So to see her return would be great.
Sep 5, 2020
I would love if they added Kass. Just imagine, he could fly and use songs to fight, unleash magical attacks. XD Plus, him coming from the future to learn more about the Champions wouldn't seem too out-of-place. Dumb, but still believable. XD
I'm okay if they don't add him though. Just fun to imagine.

Azure Sage

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I feel like my obvious answer would be Shovel Knight. He's an incredibly well known character and I'd rather have him over another Mario or Zelda character. It mixes up the roster a bit. My other choice would be Alucard from Castlevania. Castlevania only has one representative (I don't count clones), so it'd be nice to have a little more variety from their roster.
Shovel Knight? In AoC? I think you didnt read the thread, lol.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Shovel Knight? In AoC? I think you didnt read the thread, lol.

I am slightly drunk. My bad.

That being said, my pick for a DLC character would probably be Midna. While she isn't from Breath of the Wild's story, she's the only real character from the series so far that I think is worth plucking and bringing into the Age of Calamity. Given how disconnected Twilight is from anything, reconcile it with time-y whime-y nonsense.
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Nov 9, 2019
Depending on what kind of possible stories they want to tell through the DLC missions... I honestly kinda want to see Link;'s father and sister appear as playable characters.


Just based on this concept art, Link's dad makes me think of a blacksmith/knight hybrid which could provide some interesting attack styles using various smithing tools and weapons, while Link's sister could have pet cuccos who fight for her, that sort of thing.

Maybe it could be a plot that involves Link learning it's okay to feel for things beyond his sense of duty and not take life so seriously, espeically with Hyrule finally in a time of peace.
Apr 12, 2021
Thing sing. This thing can sing! (next page) Song, Long a long long song. Good bye thing you sing too long! (Dr Seuss) Hop On Pop reference.
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