Ah. Pet peeves, eh?
Staring annoys the heck out of me. I don't care what particular kind of stare it is. In my opinion, all stares are the same: annoying.
I hate it when people get irrational when things don't go their way or whatever. I mean, it's bound to happen because you're angry and your mind's kind of off, but wow. Some of the most wise, calm, and collected people lose it all whenever they get even the slightest bit angry over something as simple as that.
I hate it when people don't clean up after themselves. I've always said that if I ever applied for another job in the future, I'll be sure to put "part-time maid/mom" on there, because I spend half of my time cleaning up after grown *** men and women at work. How hard is it to clean up your work station? Ugh. I tend to forget that not everyone was raised like me. Sigh.
I hate it when people have loud, annoying ringtones. Why on Earth would anyone have Metallica set as their text notification in the first place? And for Pete's sake, have the decency to set your phone to vibrate when you're in the library, church, or other such places. Not everyone wants to hear Justin Beaver's newest song playing whenever you get a text. Argh.
I hate it when people insert the asterisk AFTER the corrected word in a chat or whatever. While it isn't grammatically incorrect or improper to do so, I just can't seem to put up with it. It just seems wrong or something. Putting the asterisk BEFORE the corrected word says "look! here's the word I corrected!," which makes sense because the English language is read from left to right, meaning that the asterisk is essentially the first thing you should see. Weird analogy: I like to compare putting the asterisk after the corrected word to placing a caution sign after a dangerous spill. A person will have slipped by the time they noticed the sign that was supposed to alert them where the spill was. /rant
I dislike clueless people sometimes. Everyone gets clueless every once in a while—myself included—but sometimes there is no excuse for it. I couldn't even count the number of times a customer at work asked me where the bananas were. This wouldn't be that big of a deal IF THE BANANA TABLE WASN'T THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN MY STORE'S SMALL PRODUCE SECTION. Another thing I hate is when they go "Oh, you seem to be out of potatoes or w/e." Heck, I bet we are. I mean, it is 10 PM on a Sunday, which is the busiest day of the week. They seem to assume that we have an infinite supply of everything in the backroom, unaware that there's a truck that comes every day to deliver our stuff.
I hate it when people walk really slowly in front of me. A condition such as old age, a broken/sprained ankle, etc. are exceptions. What's worse is when people don't pay attention to what's in front of them. I've come to realize this as a peril to grocery shopping, as customers are so busy browsing the shelves and such that they don't pay attention to the employee wheeling a huge L-cart of produce out to the sales floor. And don't even get me started on text-walkers.
People wanting a change to something just because. A good example is the idea to remove the censor on swearing on the forums. I don't mind swearing, but just because I don't mind it doesn't mean that everyone else will. I understand that the majority, the bulk of which are youth, are not too keen on swearing. And even if I may not agree with the parents' decision to bar their kids from being exposed to it, I respect their ideals. Besides, 80% of the internet is swearing, what's one somewhat family-friendly forum going to hurt?
It kind of annoys me when people put their name on the bottom of something they've typed—be it a post, blog, or w/e—when their name already appears somewhere else on the page such as their username. Like, okay I get it, your name's Blah Blah.
– On that note, it really annoys me whenever someone misspells a person's name when it's right there on the page for them to copy from.
Lastly, do not under any circumstances touch my stuff without asking. I hate it when people do that. If someone wants to borrow or use something of mine, just ask. I'm like the most unselfish person ever, and there are very few personal things I hold dear enough not to let anyone borrow or use them.