Cuz the 3D...
Nah, i actually thought i'd hate OoT3D and before its release i was pretty much agains tthe idea that they had decided to give it a facelift and re-release it, i thought i'd have some sort of elitist notion that OoT should be played on a home console (preferably the N64) and would always need to be played the way it was intended on the console it was made for...
then i played OoT3D and wow... the love that went into the facelift is just stunning, i often make it night in Hyrule field, hit first person mode, turn the 3D right up and look at the night sky, even that is so amazing to behold, its just so beautiful and already i feel lucky to have played the game. Now, im not a fan of the 3D gimmick in games or movies, i think its money stealing crap, the 3DS is a good piece of kit and i rarely use the 3D on any of the games i have for it over and above the curiosity of what it looks like if i do. but OoT is a little different, ive wanted to experience the whole game in the non3D gimmick way and then again with the 3D, as is the magic of OoT which has still been retained in the 3DS version everything screams at me and its wonderful to behold.
the touch controls for easier item switching and the ability to have nearly everything useful equipped with the new touch only buttons in the corners of the HUD really made for a less jarring experience particularly in the Water Temple and Shadow temples. everything feels a lot more fluid in the 3DS version and just making Link walk around feels so smooth and heavenly that it just does things to me which no game, as far as walking a character is concerned, has ever done and i hope future titles build off of this gameplay engine on the 3DS as the home consoles have done. If Zelda 3DS looks and feels this good im going to be able to forgive a lot of shortcomings, seriously, i hate SS and putting SS on the 3DS with the OoT engine would seriously make me feel better playing it.