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Ocarina of Time OoT Redesigns for 3DS?

Nov 30, 2009
Should they redesign some of the things in OoT 3DS?

I think they should at least redesign the Zora and Goron armors, to make them cooler looking, not just a recolor, lol.

The Lens of Truth could look a little different, not that it matters.

Im guessing the Mirror Shield will keep the Gerudo symbol and not the Moon/Star.

What else should be redesigned?


All Hail Yhtomit!
Mar 6, 2011
The Lost Woods
Well some of the songs could be changed, and the great fairies can be changed. And Biggorons sword could be changed to look a little cooler then the basic blue handle and gleaming silver blade.:)
Nov 27, 2010
The mirror shield will be the most noticeble difference in my opinion. However, I would love if they make the fairy spells cooler looking (more vibrant)!


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
well, speaking generally, EVERYTHING will be redesigned for OoT 3DS! I mean, it's not gonna look polygonal and blocky anymore. if you follow this link, you'll see how everything is different. and i do believe they will keep the changes from the newer versions of OoT (v1.1 and 1.2), like the redesigned Mirror Shield and the new Fire Temple music(not the music with the creepy chanting). so... yeah...
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