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OoT Help: Shadow Temple

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Hi all! This is my first thread so sorry if i mess up! Anyways, i am stuck on the shadow temple in OoT, and i need to know how to do it. I would prefer a video walkthrough, but a written is just fine. I just need a walkthrough.


Airbending Slice!
Dec 6, 2008
New Albany, Indiana
The shadow temple can be difficult at times but do not give up. That walkthrough of Caleb's should help you get through it with no problems at all. If you need more help feel free to contact me. ;)


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
I'm just going to act like Navi and give some advice.

When in doubt, pull out your Lens of Truth (There's a glitch in which when you play the Song of Storms and pull out the Lens of Truth immediately after it is played, the Lens won't use any magic power. The Scarecrow's Song can also provide assistance. If you don't have Din's Fire, you need it for this dungeon (This is the dungeon that requires a magical ability (Besides Light Arrows later on). There are several rooms and floors that have fake walls covering them.
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