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Only Hyrule?


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I completely agree. What I find lacking in the Zelda series is not enough Towns to explore. By having more Kingdoms, this would open up a very original story for Zelda while also giving more NPC's and Towns to interact with and explore
Apr 6, 2012
But that doesn't follow a pattern for a Zelda game. It wouldn't even closely fit in with the series...
And besides, Hyrule is only one kingdom, but it's got tons of different aspects. It's not like there's only the one field. There's volcanoes, mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts, etc. It's an entire world built into one realm, so why would you want more? Anything more and the game would honestly just be far too much.
Feb 23, 2011
As Seth put it, it is apparent that regions do in fact exist beyond Hyrule, and have been visited before in the series. Examples include the aforementioned Labrynna and Holodrum, and how can we forget Termina and the WotOK? That said, I wouldn't mind visiting another region, realm, or kingdom in a future Zelda title, but I don't think it is absolutely necessary. It would be nice if there were a few more [new] towns, villages and/or settlements scattered about Hyrule Field [in the next Zelda game], though.
Jan 20, 2012
Hyrule is always in the game because it is in the Zelda formula. Zelda is princess of hyrule, and the game is the Legend of Zelda lol. But, yeah, i don't see a reason to disclude the idea of multiple kingdoms, aside from that being an EXTREMELY LONG GAME.
May 14, 2012
I loved Holodrum and its sister kingdom from Seasons and Ages, but I love Hyrule even more and wouldn't mind exploring every facet of its immense lands.


Don Gero's Apprentice
Apr 5, 2012
Mountain Village
I would love to see other Kingdoms be added in over the next few games but until the power of game systems increases, Nintendo is limited to the amount of content per game and sadly they won't add other Kingdoms soon. I hope I am wrong on this matter but I don't see it as so. As mentioned above I would like to see Link have to choose a side in the war maybe even fight against Hyrule with another kingdom because Ganon took control. Who knows but as of the moment it is unlikely that such a game will be developed.


The Better of The Best
Mar 13, 2012
Well MM is set in Termina so there you have yourself a second world!:) No I get what you mean, and it would be sweet. They should have a Zelda set around the time colonialism started and you could use trains to get around to other "worlds" or "areas". (No it wouldn't be like ST, it would have realistic graphics, not cell-shaded anime stuff)

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