At the bottom? Then why use the rep system if you wont be looking into complaints and the such?
Because when I did start looking into complaints, I got more. Word spread that I would take people's bad rep away when I done it once or twice and pretty soon, my inbox was flooded with complaints and people wanting their bad rep removed. Its annoying because people don't seem to really realize that the rep system works just fine. So you receive one or two bad reps.. So what? Like I said, it won't hurt your overall rep score, and if you are a good member anyway, you'd have a positive enough rep score that what kind of member you are would be properly displayed by it. A few bad reps are not going to hurt an overall score, so its a waste of my time to say "Yeah I'll fix people's bad rep", then have to go and do it for every member that got a negative rep just because I gave them that opportunity to possibly get it fixed. I'm not doing it anymore, not unless its something that is a prominent problem which really isn't possible because once rep is given by one person to another person, the one giving rep has to rep about 10 other members before they can give rep to that one person again.
With that said, taking care of the overall forum activity, dealing with spam and trolls, working on implementing new things into the forums and possibly remove things that are not used or unnecessary is the goal of myself and the forum staff. Not to mention, I have moderators and such coming to me for advice on bigger things to do with the forums. We deal with real problems, and one or two negative reps is not a real problem. If it was, I would deal with it. I have dealt with everything on these forums since becoming an admin that was something widely viewed as a real problem. This negative rep situation is not something that everyone complains about, but something that three or four continuously complain about and sometimes others who believe their rep situation can be adjusted.
And remember, this can go both ways. I guarantee that tons of people have received meaningless positive rep, but you never see anyone complaining about that. I could just as easily go in and remove all positive reps from you that I felt were unjustified, as well as your negative reps, if the problem here is unjust reputation, because it comes from different sides of the spectrum. Of course no one likes anything negative, but the subject at hand is generally receiving reputation points that one shouldn't have received for the reason given. Think about that one.
1) I don't care if it would be making me look like a fool, they are doing it to me, why shouldn't I retaliate in return?
Maybe because you are supposedly an adult, which I highly doubt at this point. If you are, you certainly aren't acting your age or mature about the situation at all. "Two wrongs do not make a right" is an old saying that I've heard since I was about 5 years old and I'm sure you and everyone else has heard something similar all their life.
2) Banned? *Laughs* That's ridiculous, for doing what they are doing to me?
You never complained once about this particular situation until this thread, in your original post. In that post, you openly addressed a problem that could have been looked into and handled through a PM to myself or another moderator. Without even discussing a possible solution to said problem, you made open threats to harm other's forum status, which in my opinion was a direct shot at me by saying that if I did not do something, you were going to harm other members of the forums. That is what you said, and yes, that kind of behavior will get you banned.
Mature? Yeah sure, maybe you can tell that to the people who have negative rep me, eh? Anyway, regardless of what you decide to do, I simply don't give a **** anymore. If you don't want to do what's right, then shame on you.
Need I remind you that most members on this forum are younger and probably not as mature as you should be, claiming to be an adult. You are expected to act as a mature adult and conduct yourself as such, but from what I've seen here you have shown the most immaturity of anyone on the forums. I'll do as I feel is right and I believe I am in the position to decide what is right and wrong here. I will not fix your negative reputation every time you get it. I will not address pointless, immature internet drama. I will fix real issues. If you or any member feels as though another member is purposely and continuously giving them problems, then yes I will fix that kind of problem.