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Oddest level locations

So we've all played a lot of games, as Zelda fans we're never really surprised at where we end up, but there are other games with odd locations...

So, what games have you played with locations that you didnt expect or that surprised you?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Gears of war 2: Inside the rift worm. That was a big surprise. It reminded me of how an HD Jabu's belly could look. It is one of my favourite missions in gaming.

Poo mountain: Conkers Bad fur day. Enough said.

Fairytale Land: Witcher 3 Blood and Wine. It's unexpected to see a beautiful fairytale land just like the kind we read about as children in a dark fantasy game like Witcher 3. Needless to say this place is not as inviting as it looks.
Jul 23, 2016
Many of the locations in Wario Land 4 to be honest. You've got a landfill site, a giant fridge, a board game, a notebook with a bunch of drawings and some weird toy location with a ton of dominoes.

But then again, I guess the final chapter area from Wario Land 2 really takes the cake. I mean, what in the world is going on here?

Oct 1, 2016
Really, we don;t even need to look to other games, rather, take a fresh look at the series, without the learned "expertism" that we all carry, taking things at face value. Look at Zelda with fresh eyes and I think we would all be amazed at what we find, location-wise.

The shadow temple in OoT was a torture camp utilized by the Sheikah during the Hylian civil war, the Deku Tree is a guardian spirit that happens to have a hollow inside filled with partitioned rooms and functioning doors.

Just take a step back and look past what we consider old hat.
Oct 3, 2016
Startropics, when you have to go in a whale. just odd that the whales inside is so big that a sub has so much room to move in.

Guess is like Lord jabu jabu. From outside he doesn't seem that big.

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