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General Classic Ocarina of Time vs Majora's Mask

Which one?

  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Majora's Mask

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
Feb 3, 2010
Well, I chose Majora's Mask. Why the most people voted Ocarina Of Time? Majora's Mask is a great game with better graphics than OoT, a better story and more things. It's also the first Zelda game I've ever played, so I think that's why I voted it...
better story...come on... seriously...i can understand you liking the graphics and detailed characters and sidequests in the game, but how is the story better honestly.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
better story...come on... seriously...i can understand you liking the graphics and detailed characters and sidequests in the game, but how is the story better honestly.

Well, let's look at it this way Dragmire. Ocarina's story is plain as a piece of print paper. You never explore anything deep and complexing about any characters you just go from point A to point B to get items like any other Zelda. There is nothing that Ocarina really has to offer in story other than surprises that are revealed throughout the plot. Ocarina is a plain, good guy vs bad guy, and in Ocarina, Ganondorf is a very stereotypical badguy.

Majora allows the player to get into the minds of pretty much every NPC in the game. Every character had a special trait in them or a specific job unlike in OOT where the majority of the NPCs shown had nothing to do. In Majora, the bulk of the NPCs had something to show you or something to reveal about the story.
Another thing about Majora was that it had very tearjerking moments. The song of healing sections of the game were moving and serene. When you find out the tree in the begging of the game could be the Deku Butler's son, can just jerk a tear from your eye. Seeing Romani be taken by the aliens, and returned as a probed zombie, is disturbingly sad. And even if you didn't cry, you could not deny the major amount of depth put into the themes of faith, despair, and love.
This alone makes Majora's story better than Ocarina's, despite Ocarina being a longer game.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Well, I chose Majora's Mask. Why the most people voted Ocarina Of Time? Majora's Mask is a great game with better graphics than OoT, a better story and more things. It's also the first Zelda game I've ever played, so I think that's why I voted it...

Most of the time, people look up to OoT as the perfect game that simply cannot be beaten at all because it was revolutionary. I'll agree, it's one of the stronger games in the series, but it shouldn't be on a freaking god pedestal like most people do. Was it revolutionary? Yes. Was it awesome? It's a given. Heck yeah.

Basically, the main reason people like OoT so much is because it's so revolutionary.

Alpha Matt

Zelda Ocarina of Time is the greatest game of all time in my opinion and by FACT!
Jul 15, 2011
Geez, this is really a tough one! But in the end, I'm going with MM. I loved OOT, but there were several reasons I liked MM better.

1. I saw it as a more mature game for me. It was scarier, darker, and harder to beat.

2. Better story. The story is so warped and creepy! A Skull Kid gets possessed by a demon inhabiting a mask! The story was so complicated and hard to understand till you got near the end, so this factor kind of ties in with No. 1. I found OOT's story to be sort of unoriginal.

3. Better graphics and better scenes. I found Hyrule field VERY boring at times. I see it more as a desert with grass. Termina field is so lush and full of life! Trees! Enemies! More beautiful! Many other scenes were great to, like Southern Swamp.

4. It's more flexible. You can reset time and do anything you want again.

5. More optional sidequests. You have more things to do other than to just follow the story.

Majora's Mask just barely manages to get my vote. I LOVED OOT, I just feel MM was a more unique, fun game.


Leave the chocolate here
Jan 25, 2010
The Mansion!
ooo... that really is a tough one, but if i have to decide i think that
Ocarina of Time! cause it has all the zelda basics in it, Ganondorf, 3 dungeons then something happens then more dungeons, water temple, Zelda got kidnap, Link start with nothing (unlike MM, kokiri sword, shield)... plus, the time limit is a great idea and all but it makes the game less free, which why i like OoT more, you can do what ever you want, whenever you want.
MM is still a great game, one of the greatest if you ask me but OoT has things in it that make it more awesome than MM.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Zelda Ocarina of Time is the greatest game of all time in my opinion and by FACT!

There is no FACT to which game is better. Ocarina and Majora are nearly similar games that come across with the same gameplay. The difference is that Majora focuses more on plot and sidequests while Oot focuses on the gameplay and dungeons. There is only your opinion in this situation. Every human has different preferences.

Zora Link

I hate being nice. D:
Apr 25, 2010
Sunken Hyrule
Majora's Mask. Why?

-More challenging
-Better storyline
-Better sidequests
-Transformation masks
-Time system added to the game's difficulty
-Young Link is able to use items he couln't in OoT

To be honest, I hate OoT, and I'm sick hearing people say that it's the BEST ZELDA GAME EVAR and comparing every other game to it. Then they refuse to admit that games such as MM, WW and TP are as good as (possibly even better than) OoT
Jan 28, 2010
Majora's Mask has more in depth characters with backstories and personalities, and waaay more stuff to do after the main quest. It makes you feel extremely immersed in Terminia. The music was awesome, the dread of the moon falling, people were actually scared!
The dungeons were more unique! (Fire/ice) temple, (Water/mechanical) temple, upsidedown temple!! Come on! awesome! and they were more challanging, which made the game feel just as long as OoT. It was fresh to the sires, not the same thing over again.
I LOVED ocarina of time, but Majora's mask is just better in almost every way in my oppinion.


I love both Ocarina of time and Majoras mask. But I think Ocarina is slightly better, slightly, not much better. Majoras mask is extremely underrated. I think ocarina is better because it is more memorable and had more dungeons.


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
Of course OOT would be winning I'm sick of hearing that it is the best Zelda game.I like MM more because it had a better
Story Line
Darker Storyline
Better Characters
But people have diff opinions but I'm just sick of hearing that oot is the best Zelda game.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
OoT just seemed so cookie cutter and basic. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but MM had much more depth of characters and storyline, and I'm glad Zelda and Ganon were not in it. It opened up the Zelda universe and showed another part of the Zelda lore.
Plus, Majora is more bad *** than Ganon =/


The Whole Point of MM is a story of one of Link's adventures, and in this one he's looking for his lost friend which I think is Navi because at the end of OOT she just disappeared. The Gameplay, Music and Side Quests Were better than OOT, and the awesome part is that you can fight the bosses all over again, because the boss battles are the most awesome part. The Dungeons are better. The Items are better. The Final boss is better and harder (Unless you have Fierce Diety's Mask than it's easy as pie.) There are different shops like the lottery, the bank even town hall, it seemed like a real town, while Castle Town just seems like a it has only 2 shops, 3 minigames and a house. And The Dungeons are Harder. So my vote is for MM if you havn't figured out yet. MM Rules!!!!!
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I have to go with Majora's mask. This game brought a more mature/creepy aura to Zelda games, and in my opinion, Nintendo should make the effort to make home console games like mm.

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