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General Classic Ocarina of Time vs Majora's Mask

Which one?

  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Majora's Mask

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
Nov 29, 2010
Yeah, Too many people just hate Majora's Mask because the beginning is so hard to figure out, unless you talk to some of the NPC's, then it's actually pretty easy to find out what you need to do


Corrupted Idiot
Aug 20, 2009
The Netherlands
I prefer MM more. Everybody can say there are only 4 Temples... But you have to do a lot for entering a Temple, OOT was you finished one Temple and without doing something you can enter the next one. :c First i was for OOT too, but when i played MM a lot i like it more. I love Fierce Deity and the whole Mask system.
I had no problems with the Time Limit, i liked it muck more, SO.

But i like to play OOT's Nightmare Mod. ^^ Its very difficult and ways better than Master Quest.



Oot of time was a classic in a sense that it was new ground for nintendo to play on, a new media in which they could create a world, a real world for link to explore, and for the players to enjoy, and they did a damn good job of it.
subtleties here and there made the game belong to the series, such as the usual trade sequence, and the ohhh so loved cuckoos.

The major difference between oot and mm, lies in the very introduction, yes both a "sad" intro, but given right after the cut scene in oot, link gets to explore, and see the kokiri forest as a nice and bright land, something to enjoy, and a need for exploration, and curiosity,
whilest in mm,
there is a subtle dark tone expressed through out the entire game (although after a while, this dark tone is no longer so subtle),
the moment link gets to explore, it is evident that the world he is in is riddled with problems, and deep emotions expressed through context, and actions, espicially the music played through the game, ie the most played song, the song of healing, (this song is so filled with a strange type of sorrow). The game has its happy moments, but is mostly filled with a strange overtone of sadness, which personally i loved.
This was a new form of territory for both the zelda team and nintento, because it showed the world that these games could have more than just "lets play meaning" to them, it showed that nintendo wasn't 100% bright and happy sunshine all the time, and to gamers, that meant alot.
constantly through out the game, the music followed flawlessly, creepy in dark and unexplored cold areas, and bright at moments of victory,
The usually dungeon, map, compass, item, bosskey, and boss defeat lead a memorable foot hold in the zelda games, but they still had a good deal of mystery that left the player wanting to explore, and to find out the answer to such things. The fact that questions were unanswered in oot and mm, left a good feeling, and showed that infact this game was a legend, as claimed, unlike TP, were mostly everything was directly answered.
I mean, look at Ikana canyon, we know that there was a great kingdom that fell there, but we don't know exactly why, there still leaves much to be questioned, but it still had that form of mystery that was familiar in previous titles.

overall, I love oot because it is a great child hood memory, but i have to go with mm because it showed me that even zelda has a possiblity to be such a dark, yet enjoyable game.
Either way Zelda FTW!

-The Legends of Old:)


Charge, we've already argued to the death about this, but I don't think that the time traveling aspect of MM manages to pull it ahead in terms of absolute game play. If anything, it would downplay it, seeing as equipment has to be constantly restored whenever you replay time, and it gets quite annoying. If you fail a certain quest, you have to replay everything leading up to it, cut scenes included. The whole Couple's Mask side quest comes to mind, as well as the Romain Mask side quest. Both are easy to screw up, and you'll end up having to basically start over again. The Couple's Mask was the worst. Even with the Song of Double time, there was far too much waiting. Having to do it all over again because you messed up one detail is more of an annoyance that a plus in game play. Actually, it's more of something that makes people want to give up on a game altogether. Repeating the same thing isn't fun at all. This is a main reason why MM is looked down upon by many as the worst of the 3D titles is precisely this: The time limit is a barrier, something that keeps you from doing what you want to do when you want to do it. OoT had some of these, but they could be easily removed just by beating a dungeon or finding an item.

Of course, I had no problem with the time limit. It's what makes MM MM. But, the time limit alone is something that drags down game play to the lowest level for many, and is by itself enough to make people give up on it and dislike the entire game.
well in esscence, i do beileve you remember the first zelda title?
you were dropped off in a random place, go into a random cave and gained a sword,
now given if you were like me and didn't have the booklet, this was one of the hardest games out there.
too much time to explore, and well, you die, and start right at the begining with 3 hearts, and in essence this is what made the game interesting, and not boring.
Back in the day, gamers seeked a challenge, (ie contra, god i can't tell you how many times i failed at that)
and i think a level of difficulty should still be included in games these days,
although i do see what your talking about, and it is tedious, having to start over often
Nov 29, 2010
IMO the going back to the first day was really cool, but something that was really cool was that once you beat majora's wrath, it said "dawn of a NEW DAY". that just completed the expierience for me.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
well in esscence, i do beileve you remember the first zelda title?
you were dropped off in a random place, go into a random cave and gained a sword,
now given if you were like me and didn't have the booklet, this was one of the hardest games out there.
too much time to explore, and well, you die, and start right at the begining with 3 hearts, and in essence this is what made the game interesting, and not boring.
Back in the day, gamers seeked a challenge, (ie contra, god i can't tell you how many times i failed at that)
and i think a level of difficulty should still be included in games these days,
although i do see what your talking about, and it is tedious, having to start over often

I'm sorry, but today's gaming audience don't feel that way. There is a very specific reason why games are getting easier, and will continue to get easier as time goes on. Trying to appeal to an audience that existed 20 years ago isn't going to work in the eyes of today's massive audience. Your point about the original LoZ is actually kind of invalid. I explained to Charge a page back that while NES games were notoriously hard, that audience is gone. People now give up as soon as they begin, and MMs time limit aspect is not enough to override OoT's game play, which allowed almost full exploration as soon as you entered Hyrule Field.

As I said in my last post: Today's audience doesn't like it = Fail. This is a major reason why LoZ is hardly played by the new audience, they just don't like it. Same goes with MM. To be honest, if you were introducing a Zelda game to someone for the very first time, would it really be MM?


well, to be quite honest, I'm not even sure what title i would show said audience.
Heres the thing, me being as young as a I am (im an early 90's baby), I still beileve in game difficulties,
after all, if I'm going to pay 50-60 dollars for a game, I should really get my moneys worth right? (well for me graphics vs gameplay...we all know who wins)
But then again, I do realize that I don't speak for a majority of the people,
when it comes down to zelda games, its either you like them or you don't
The thing about gamers (well, more proffesional ones) is that they will give the game a full try, before rejecting it.
Before i fall off topic, This is infact why I liked mm a tad bit better than oot,
the fact that after completing all the mask collection tasks, theres a sense of self accomplishment, its just sticking to it you know what i mean?
unfortunate to say, I must agree with you on
"Today's audience doesn't like it = Fail."
So untill we gain a generation based around skill and accomplishment vs high end graphics (or both would be nice for once) were out of luck.

and by the by, its my first time on these types of forums and so far I like it, it beats the idiotic babbling "f u!" back and forth lol
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
well, to be quite honest, I'm not even sure what title i would show said audience.
Heres the thing, me being as young as a I am (im an early 90's baby), I still beileve in game difficulties,
after all, if I'm going to pay 50-60 dollars for a game, I should really get my moneys worth right? (well for me graphics vs gameplay...we all know who wins)
But then again, I do realize that I don't speak for a majority of the people,
when it comes down to zelda games, its either you like them or you don't
The thing about gamers (well, more proffesional ones) is that they will give the game a full try, before rejecting it.
Before i fall off topic, This is infact why I liked mm a tad bit better than oot,
the fact that after completing all the mask collection tasks, theres a sense of self accomplishment, its just sticking to it you know what i mean?
unfortunate to say, I must agree with you on
"Today's audience doesn't like it = Fail."
So untill we gain a generation based around skill and accomplishment vs high end graphics (or both would be nice for once) were out of luck.

Yes, I understand this completely. I love MM. It's my third favorite in the entire series, and definitely on of the best games on the N64. I was born in the mid-90s, so all the game I grew up laying were mostly late N64 early GC games. You mention "professional" gamer giving every game a chance. I also agree with this completely. Anyone who has any sense will always try long and hard to beat a game, and will also try to enjoy it completely. But, today's "Graphics Generation" (as I like to call them), don't like hard games. Like Charge said a while ago, they're pansies and don't know how to enjoy a real game. But, this doesn't ignore the fact that the main goal to appeal to these people, because that's where real success goes as far as the game making money. A very difficult game like MM that is centered around time limits just simply won't appeal to this generation more than OoT's free game play.

Now, this isn't a bad thing. Not at all. I too felt that sense of accomplishment when I finally got to slap on the Fierce Deity mask and become a killing machine. I like that feeling too, which is why I've given the old NES Zelda games a try as well, and I eventually was able to beat them.

and by the by, its my first time on these types of forums and so far I like it, it beats the idiotic babbling "f u!" back and forth lol

Heh, well it's great to have you here. We try to keep our arguments "civil" and everyone respects everyone else.


Another great factor about mm, I loved the whole oni link concept.
It was nice to get out of the old Nayru, Din, and Farore concept, and I'm glad that they decided to play around with that, being that you were in a different land with different cultures.
One quick question, was I the only one (being the age that I was when I first played the game) who got really creeped out the by partly mummified jukebox/gibdo man? xD


The King
Aug 18, 2009
No, actually I had like 8-9 years old when I played MM and I remember being FREAK OUT by that scientist (Pamela's Father) in Ikana Village. (first time I jumped and I was really scared!) Ha! Such great memories... :)

Anyway, for the main question, I'll have to definitely say MM. It's my favorite Zelda of all time. I just loved to playas a Zora, Goron and Deku. I also really enjoyed the dungeons that were way better than OOT's dungeons. And the bosses were really great, and all the sidequests were very fun (for me) and the areas were awesome too.

It's been ten years that I play Zelda and at this point, none of them have surpass the GREATNESS od MM.
Last edited:


Dude Majora's Mask WTF

Yes i like ocarina of time but on MM you can turn into 5 characters, you collect mask's, ALOT more stuff to do, dungeon's are harder, its more realistic and its bigger (not just the world map-holes,caves, dungeon's and stuff like that added all to gether)

Prince Of Blue

They are both remarkable games of course, but I have to say I prefer Majora's Mask. Yes, OoT came first, but I love how different MM was from the rest of the series. The story of Link saving Hyrule happens over and over again, but MM was a different world with different problems and new ways to solve them. I also enjoyed using transformations to solve problems and advance the game. I pay a lot of attention to the music in video games and I preferred the music in MM to OoT. Especially in Termina Field.


Dark Link is here...
Oct 4, 2009
OOT. Majoras Mask would of won if it wasn't for that 3 day period. Annoyed the crap out of me.. If they wanted the whole thing to make the moon fall down, then they should of done it on the progress (After defeating 4th temple, moon is even closer than ever, etc.).
Oct 6, 2009
I chose OoT because of the original storyline and it stayed with its roots. But Majoras mask was still one of my faverite games

@lex MM

The Lurker
Apr 29, 2010
Behind you...
Well, I chose Majora's Mask. Why the most people voted Ocarina Of Time? Majora's Mask is a great game with better graphics than OoT, a better story and more things. It's also the first Zelda game I've ever played, so I think that's why I voted it...

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