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Null (Major Spoilers)

Daku Rinku

Member of Gerudo Secret Club
Jun 1, 2023
Following My Tall Gerudo GF Around

Null is the main antagonist of Echoes of Wisdom. He has the intent of taking his revenge against The Golden Goddesses, “The priestess of wisdom and the hero. I see you intend to interfere. How vexing. Then again, you've come here and brought the Prime Energy directly to me... The goddesses- they have taken everything from me. Now I will use their power to take it all back!”

Not since Demise has a villain been a greater threat than Ganon. Null can abosrb The Triforce and seeks to use it to conquer The Golden Goddesses of Din, Nayru, and Farore. This makes him a unique and powerful foe like Thanos.

What is curious is Null claims The Goddesses took away everything. Is it possible the missing piece in the Triforce center which is an upside down triangle is Null’s piece? It would make sense because its a void place in the Triforce, and we tend to say something is “null and void.”

So far we have a unholy triad of Null, Demise, and Ganon.

Null is possibly a god.
He is like Melkor/ Morgoth of Middle Earth, caste out by the gods and has the power to create abominations.

Demise is Demon who inacts the curse that creates a never ending cycle of conflict via Link, Zelda, and Ganon having to battle in each generation.
He is like Sauron.

Ganon is a Sorceror and Demon King, has the Triforce of Power and can create a Dark World.
He is like The Witchking.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2020
What's also interesting about Null and the world of the void is the fact that it's basically the first antagonist who directly fought the 3 goddesses and the world existing in the chaos, before the universe even existed.

Neither Demise nor Ganon had the power to oppose the 3 goddesses directly. For example, Ganondorf was helpless when the goddesses flooded Hyrule in Wind Waker. Keep this in mind, Ganondorf already had the Triforce of Power. Demise was also just at best equal to Hylia who was disciple to the 3 goddesses.

Now with Null, this thing didn't even have the Triforce and it managed to do more against the 3 goddesses than Demise and Ganon combined as it sealed the 3 goddesses in his world. Without a piece of the Triforce. It was convinced that it would even destroy the goddesses with the entire Triforce. At least that's how I understood it.

That being said, Null might be the strongest antagonist in the entire Zelda verse.

Daku Rinku

Member of Gerudo Secret Club
Jun 1, 2023
Following My Tall Gerudo GF Around
What's also interesting about Null and the world of the void is the fact that it's basically the first antagonist who directly fought the 3 goddesses and the world existing in the chaos, before the universe even existed.

Neither Demise nor Ganon had the power to oppose the 3 goddesses directly. For example, Ganondorf was helpless when the goddesses flooded Hyrule in Wind Waker. Keep this in mind, Ganondorf already had the Triforce of Power. Demise was also just at best equal to Hylia who was disciple to the 3 goddesses.

Now with Null, this thing didn't even have the Triforce and it managed to do more against the 3 goddesses than Demise and Ganon combined as it sealed the 3 goddesses in his world. Without a piece of the Triforce. It was convinced that it would even destroy the goddesses with the entire Triforce. At least that's how I understood it.

That being said, Null might be the strongest antagonist in the entire Zelda verse.
That is fascinating. Does the game tell if he is related to the Goddesses or perhaps a husband god?

There are many tales in Greek and Egyptian Mythology that the describe lovers quarrels between gods and goddesses.


Rotates Vaati in her head
Sep 22, 2022
The Four Sword Sanctuary
Ghostly Mage
I think he's more a personification of the primordial chaos that existed before the world was created in a lot of mythologies (Shinto in particular even has three "creation" gods called the Zōkasanshin, that are a part of the larger five Kotoamatsukami).

Daku Rinku

Member of Gerudo Secret Club
Jun 1, 2023
Following My Tall Gerudo GF Around
I think he's more a personification of the primordial chaos that existed before the world was created in a lot of mythologies (Shinto in particular even has three "creation" gods called the Zōkasanshin, that are a part of the larger five Kotoamatsukami).
Oh that is facinating! Could also explain the Eye of Zonai and Sheikah in all the games too!


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Null is undeniably the most powerful entity in the series. His existence also actually puts a lot of things into context.

So far we have a unholy triad of Null, Demise, and Ganon.

Null is possibly a god.
He is like Melkor/ Morgoth of Middle Earth, caste out by the gods and has the power to create abominations.

Demise is Demon who inacts the curse that creates a never ending cycle of conflict via Link, Zelda, and Ganon having to battle in each generation.
He is like Sauron.

Ganon is a Sorceror and Demon King, has the Triforce of Power and can create a Dark World.
He is like The Witchking.

One quote from Skyward Sword I think might be relevant is this-

(Speaking of Demise) "One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure. They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into deep despair... They burnt forests to ash, choked the land's sweet springs, and murdered without hesitation. They did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by Her Grace, the goddess."

I find the detail of Demise appearing from a fissure in the ground to be very interesting. Chances are, he came from the void. He's not working for Null, seeing as he wants the Triforce so he can rule the land, not destroy it. But that doesn't mean Null wasn't manipulating Demise, or didn't allow him to form so that he could be used to Null's advantage. If Demise had gained access to the Triforce, it's possible the Tris would cease to be and Null could create his rifts. Whether Demise of Null was the originator of Malice is hard to determine. At the very least I assume Monsters form their energy from the void.

What is curious is Null claims The Goddesses took away everything. Is it possible the missing piece in the Triforce center which is an upside down triangle is Null’s piece? It would make sense because its a void place in the Triforce, and we tend to say something is “null and void.”
It's also possible the space in the middle isn't for a literal piece, but is purely representative. An empty space, being contained by the pieces of the Triforce on each side. The same as how the void is being held back by the power of the three Goddesses.

A few side theories, since this seems to just be where I'm chucking them atm-

The existence of Null could explain why Lorule began to fall apart once its Triforce was destroyed. Without the Triforce, there's no Tris, and nothing keeping Null at bay. Pieces began crumbling into the void giving monsters plenty of spots to exit it.

We know that it was Demise's curse, not Null, that was responsible for Ganon. But Null must have come into contact with him at some point. All the people he makes echoes of were in the Void at one point or another, and he's unable to echo Zelda until he comes into direct contact with her. So either he's interacted with Ganon at some point, Ganon has been sealed in the Still World, or he can echo him solely because he carries Demise's Malice and Demise was from the void.

Daku Rinku

Member of Gerudo Secret Club
Jun 1, 2023
Following My Tall Gerudo GF Around
Null is undeniably the most powerful entity in the series. His existence also actually puts a lot of things into context.

One quote from Skyward Sword I think might be relevant is this-

(Speaking of Demise) "One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure. They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into deep despair... They burnt forests to ash, choked the land's sweet springs, and murdered without hesitation. They did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by Her Grace, the goddess."

I find the detail of Demise appearing from a fissure in the ground to be very interesting. Chances are, he came from the void. He's not working for Null, seeing as he wants the Triforce so he can rule the land, not destroy it. But that doesn't mean Null wasn't manipulating Demise, or didn't allow him to form so that he could be used to Null's advantage. If Demise had gained access to the Triforce, it's possible the Tris would cease to be and Null could create his rifts. Whether Demise of Null was the originator of Malice is hard to determine. At the very least I assume Monsters form their energy from the void.

It's also possible the space in the middle isn't for a literal piece, but is purely representative. An empty space, being contained by the pieces of the Triforce on each side. The same as how the void is being held back by the power of the three Goddesses.

A few side theories, since this seems to just be where I'm chucking them atm-

The existence of Null could explain why Lorule began to fall apart once its Triforce was destroyed. Without the Triforce, there's no Tris, and nothing keeping Null at bay. Pieces began crumbling into the void giving monsters plenty of spots to exit it.

We know that it was Demise's curse, not Null, that was responsible for Ganon. But Null must have come into contact with him at some point. All the people he makes echoes of were in the Void at one point or another, and he's unable to echo Zelda until he comes into direct contact with her. So either he's interacted with Ganon at some point, Ganon has been sealed in the Still World, or he can echo him solely because he carries Demise's Malice and Demise was from the void.
I really enjoy your analysis. I have always felt evil unlike good which is either God or gods or goddesses tends not be contained in a being who showers grace, rather evil is a choice, like the dark side of the Force if you will, that once you choose that it transmutates the being. Is Null like Demise in that he was forged from chaos and darkness, a counter balance to the goddesses? Is he fallen Lucifer? What I like is Nintendo doesn't fill all that in and lets us interpret.

Indeed, the monsters are from Null and Demise, much like Morgoth created the Orcs and Belrogs. What I find interesting is the dark creator aspect, that they bend the chaos to try and be gods. What created that motivation in them? Not all forms moved by malice operate with that sensibility. I would love to do a deeper dive on the motivations of Null, Demise, and Ganon. Why is there a lust for power? What is endgame if they do have that power, to keep it most would say, but they are not ordinary Hylians or Gerudo, can the thirst for power ever be quenched? For instance will they not seek next Termina, Twilight Realm, Lorule, and other realms?

As for your space in middle theory, that probably is the answer, that its triquetra with the space in middle. Though my mind wants to pull Lorule in which has the inverted Triforce that Hilda says was lost. I have speculated Lorule may have its own gods, perhaps masculine since Hyrule's are feminine.

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