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Nintendo Music Thread

Prince Sidon

King of the Zora
ZD Legend
Apr 5, 2024
Zora's Domain
For those of you who have Nintendo switch online
I have downloaded it and am getting memories of BotW

I already am working on a playlist


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I've been listening to it non-stop since it was announced. I hope they add music quicker than they do games to NSO. Super Mario 64, Skyward Sword, Wind Waker, and Donkey Kong Country 2 are all confirmed and would have been some of my most wanted.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
Yeah, the starting lineup of games offered is honestly pathetic, even compared to NSO. At least with NSO they have the potential excuse that they want to make each game run as perfectly as possible on the emulator (ignore the fact that the N64 games were approaching being unplayable at launch) but that excuse just doesn’t exist here. There’s literally no reason why they shouldn’t have games on offer in the triple digits. Instead we have a mere 22 games plus Wii console music (and 2 of those games are the NES and FDS versions of Metroid so really there’s only 21 games). Also, why these games specifically? Why Tomadachi collection? Why Blazing Blade? Why the Game Boy version of Dr.Mario?

That being said, it’s nice to finally have an official way of listening to these outside of the games themselves, and the app itself is pretty nice all things considered. I especially like being able to extend the music. My only other gripe is that my game music playlist doesn’t just include Nintendo music so this can’t be a full replacement for my usual music player, but I don’t think that’s Nintendo’s fault per se.

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