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Spoiler My First Play Through and Some Questions/ Explinations.


May 9, 2011
Let me start this thread off by saying a few thibgs:
1) Five minutes a go I just completed my first play through of Skyward Sword and let me say I think it is epic.
2) If there is another thread that asks/disscusses the same content I am about to ask about please direct me to this thread.


So I just completed Skyward Sword and I was left satisfied and a bit confused at the same time (this is in relation to its story and other things)

I'll talk about the storyline first:

In the distant past lets say 500 years+ the Goddess Hylia descended onto what was to be known as Hyrule in the future to intervene in the current situation of the world, that being Demise trying to usurp the realm. Now Hylia succeded in sealing Demise into the earth and sending the slab of land skyward to protect the people from Demise. Now at this point I get lost;

Hylia or rather Zelda in her 'corporeal from' if thats safe to say travels back in time with Impa through the Gate of Time to watch over the Seal while link in present follows the clues left behind from Hylia to purify his spirit so he can use the Triforce obviously left behind by Din, Nayru and Farore so he can wish Demise to be banished from their Realm.

Ok so far is that correct? I know it sounds like a recap at this point but let me continue.

Now when Hylia sends her people Skyward she sets in place this task left for Link so he can finally banish Demise. So Hylia sets in place two tasks for Link:
Finding the flames of the three God's to transform the Goddess' Sword and learnthe Hero's song left to the demi-deity Dragons who watch over the world of 'Hyrule'.

Ok so here comes the confusing parts for me;

Does Hylia or Zelda die after she sends the land Skyward and is she re-incarnated into Zelda x amounts of years later?

I think Impa states that Zelda is the re-incarnation of Hylia so was there more then 'Three' main Gods?

What is with the Triforce? It remains in 'the land below' where Zelda and Link are on the Goddess statue? It is mentioned by Zelda herself that the Triforce was created so that the God's of old couldn't use its power to intervene in the affairs of the people (she states as her own theory though), so does that mean that Zelda cannot use the Triorce as she a Goddess herself persay?

When Demise is defeated by Link he 'curses' Link by saying something along thelines of; "the future hero's bound by the same spirit you are shall bear the burden of my eternal hatred... Something re-incarnation of myself, your bloodline and my internal cycle of hatred will begin anew". Branching on from the second question what happens to the Triforce then, sometime between Skyward Sword and the Ocarina of Time obviously Demise re-incarnates himself as Ganondorf and endevours to find the Triforce, it is sealed within the Sacred Realm, but what happens to the 'Coporeal Triforce' as the Etheral Triangle appears on the hand of the person (as shown in OOT and TP)?

Sealed Temple = Temple of Time? And what happens to the Gate/Gear of Time?
---> Could it be possible that the Gate of Time is responsible for the Time Travel within OoT and TP?

The Time Shift Stones in Lanayru Desert give the chance for the Robots to be revevied once more, so who built them?
--->Perhaps the original inhabitants of the Lanayru Desert / Area built these Robots so they could use the power of the Time Shift Stones to live for ever?

Impa she was there but then she was gone?!?!?
Also it appears that Impa is an ontological paradox where 'Grannie' Impa directs young Impa to where she is supposed to go, Giving her the knowledge for the future Impa to pass onto young Impa again.

At the end of Skyward Sword, Gaepora, Cawlin Strict and Zelda are all on the Goddess Statue at the sealed grounds and Zelda states "she always wanted to see the Land Below" so could this foreshadow the dying out of Skyloft and could this also mean that this is why the Loftwing may die out and or possibly evolve into the Ooca?

In Ocarina of Time it is rumoured that the 'Light Sage' is maybe Kaepora Gaebora in an alternate form, so sometime between Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time Link uses the Triforce to promote him to 'Sage' Status.

There was a lot of speculation on the Interloper War and the Twlight Mirror etc. Could it be possible that sometime between Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time that the Dark Interlopers make an appearance? Or perhaps before?

What Happen to the Mogma's? And why are the Goron's the new inhabitants of Death Mountain/ Eldin Volcano.
This is all I can think of for now.

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Demon Lord
Jun 13, 2011
This is a great post! Very interesting ideas. :)

I have a lot of the same questions. First of all I wonder how far into the past "the past" is supposed to be in this game. Are we told and I just missed it? I'm on my second playthrough now and I don't remember seeing anything about exactly how far into the past it's supposed to be. Maybe we're not supposed to know. How far back does Zelda go? How far back in time do the robots and Lanayru areas go when you revive them? Ten years? A thousand years? Maybe I just totally missed it. o_O

I'm also confused about the goddesses. In Ocarina of Time, they show us the three goddesses creating the world. They are red, green, and blue. So what we were actually seeing was something that happened before the events of Skyward Sword, right? And I wonder if the colors and goddesses are supposed to be related to each other. But in Skyward Sword we get red, green, and yellow, not blue. So that confused me too. I don't know if I'm even making any sense here. Probably not. :S

I also wonder how the sealed grounds relates to the other areas in OoT and TP. In Twilight Princess we see in the Lost Woods some remnants of what looks like a building of some sort....the area where you find the master sword. So those remnants, are they supposed to be what fell from the sky in Skyward Sword? I've read speculation that in TP, that's where the temple of time was, but because all we see are old remains, it was moved somewhere else. But when did that happen? And where was it before that in Ocarina of Time?

The Gorons!! What are they doing in Skyward Sword? Where do they live? Why are they nomadic? Just wandering around? How come they don't live in Eldin Volcano area? And how did they end up in that area in the later games? And what happened to the Mogmas?

So many questions, so little answers. I was hoping that the end of Skyward Sword would provide more answers, but all I feel left with is more questions and confusion!! :hmm:


No there are not more then 3 main gods/goddesses. This isn't the first time lesser, but still powerful gods show up in the series. All of the gods we see in Zelda games, including Hylia are lesser gods who serve the main three in some way. Whether they always exisited, or were created by the Golden Goddesses is up for fan wank.

I think time wise its in the thousands you go, I vaguely recall it being mentioned either with the timestones, or when you actually go back. It obviously has to be long enough for a sea to turn into a desert.

The dragons are red blue and yellow because of their relation to the elements fire, water, lightning. The Sacred Flames, which are directly named after the "Gods of old" are the correct colors of Blue, Red, Green. Also believe that the correct colors are used in the SkyKeep with their symbols. My question would be what exactly are the flames? What is their exact nature?

I think it is safe to say the Sealed Grounds will become what we know of as the Temple of Time/ Temple of Light. The location, the Master Sword and Triforce both being there end game, and the only worked Gate of Time. It is always been said the Sacred Realm is like a mirror of Hyrule, and the Temple of Light was the mirror for the Temple of Time, so the Triforce is now whole and in the right spot, just needs to "flip" dimensions at some point. I think there has to be some acceptiance that the location of the Temple of Time in OoT was just for gameplay purposes and to provide shock value when you wake up, and I recall reading somewhere originally it was supposed to be in the woods. The fact that it was in the woods in LttP, then in TP, and now SS. We just have to live with the changing geography of Zelda games from a design perspective as its a pain in the *** to fan wank and never makes enough sense for them to build it in the woods, move it to castle town, then move it back to the woods.

The stones are being mined, so they seem to be a natural element in the desert, possible the lightning dragon is the one who builds them for use.

Impa I think just died, she just died in a fun mystical way since she was old as hell. Turned to fairy dust.

For a lot of these questions it is just the glory of Zelda plots. You need to fan wank the hell out it to make it work.


May 9, 2011
I have a lot of the same questions.
I was hoped that when they released Skyward Sword they would shut some on going theories down and create new ones (with the Dark Interlopers and all) however it seems they only elaborated on a few things and created a whole new speculation range.... >_>

First of all I wonder how far into the past "the past" is supposed to be in this game. Are we told and I just missed it?
Hmm this is hard to determine as I am asking this question too. When we go through the Time gate and discover Zelda is really Hylia she states that Hylia just defeated Demise and sent the land Skyward. Later on we find out that Impa really belongs to that time (Hylia's time). So when Zelda gives Impa the bracelet they return through the Time Gate and before their eyes there is Impa WITH THE BRACELET.

I'm on my second playthrough now and I don't remember seeing anything about exactly how far into the past it's supposed to be. Maybe we're not supposed to know. ow far back does Zelda go?
I Have not started my second play through HOWEVER, branching on from what I just said, we can sort of conclude that it isn't to distant into the future and all because Impa is still a live with Zelda's bracelet, so 90 or maybe 100 years? Maybe but remember Impa is a Sheikah, so perhaps they have an extended life time, considering Impa has ages quiet a bit maybe it is at least 200 years + from the;

Sealing of Demise - Link and Zelda.

Fi even states in the back story a long long time a go. So given that it was a long time a go you would be looking at 200 years minimal for texts and written sources to be lost or re-written etc.

How far back in time do the robots and Lanayru areas go when you revive them? Ten years? A thousand years? Maybe I just totally missed it.

I seriously liked this element of the game (just saying... :p) It seems that the Thunder Dragon over see's the mining project and that he gives the Robots names and creates them, so perhaps before the land turned to desert and as Emperoddy states it would have to be A LONG time for a vast thriving land of flora to turn into a desert.

No there are not more then 3 main gods/goddesses. This isn't the first time lesser, but still powerful gods show up in the series. All of the gods we see in Zelda games, including Hylia are lesser gods who serve the main three in some way. Whether they always exisited, or were created by the Golden Goddesses is up for fan wank.

I see, so they are lesser deities who what? Care for the land as the three Dragons are considered Deities of sorts too?

The dragons are red blue and yellow because of their relation to the elements fire, water, lightning. The Sacred Flames, which are directly named after the "Gods of old" are the correct colors of Blue, Red, Green. Also believe that the correct colors are used in the SkyKeep with their symbols. My question would be what exactly are the flames? What is their exact nature?

In SkyKeep we do see the reflective colours to the Goddess'

Din's is red; http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda14/Walkthrough/17/1730.jpg.

it also serves as an entrance to the Silent Realm where the Triforce's are kept (respectively). The Dragons also appear as you said to reflect the Elements; Faron: Water/Nature Eldin: Earth/Fire Lanayru: Thunder and perhaps maybe time itself? (given that the time shift stones are found there)?

The Sealed Grounds question is cleared up then.
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Skyward Wiimote
Nov 21, 2011
There are two things in SS that have me REALLY confused.

First. When you first visit the Sealed Temple, take a look at Impa and you'll notice she already has the bracelet Zelda is supposed to give to her in the past. How is this even possible when Zelda has not traveled to the past yet?

Second. Again, when you first visit the Sealed Temple, look between the door behind Impa and you'll notice Zelda is already in her amber cocoon or whatever you wanna call it. Again, how is this possible if Zelda has not traveled to the past?

This makes me think that when you play the game you're basically doing something you're already fated to do or have done already. I'll stop here or I'll end up crazy trying to understand the story.

Regarding your questions:

Hylia doesn't die. It is stated she refused her status as a goddess (and thus, her immortality) in order to be reborn in a corporeal being (Zelda) so that she could help Link destroy Demise/The Imprisoned for good in the present.

I don't think Skyloft "died", but it rather somehow became the City in the Sky seen in TP.


May 9, 2011
First. When you first visit the Sealed Temple, take a look at Impa and you'll notice she already has the bracelet Zelda is supposed to give to her in the past. How is this even possible when Zelda has not traveled to the past yet?

I know, as I said it is an Ontological Paradox where the information has already been passed on to persons before it has even happened. It is a real head scratcher, think of the Movie: Andromeda Strain.

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