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Most Interesting or Weird Character


Lance's Protégé
Apr 3, 2012
Mount Silver, Johto
I thought Lanayru(the dragon, not the province) was a rather inspired character. You pull him back from the brink of death and he immediately goes about trying to kill you for his own entertainment. It's like he has some sadistic form of an attention-deficit disorder.
Nov 28, 2011
Weird? Have to say either the Fun Fun Island Clown or the Hairy Mogma(reminds me of Leo from That 70's Show)

A That 70's Show reference? You, sir, are awesome.

The weirdest character in Skyward Sword, in my opinion, was definitely that freaky fat fortune teller guy. His mustache alone was enough to make my soul want to kill itself, but coupled with those disgustingly disporportionate eyes it was too much for me to take. I honestly didn't look at that guy a second time... I just walked past him in the bazaar with my camera facing away.
Dec 22, 2011
i have to agree that groose is probably the most interesting character, the way he changes and he is just a really intriguing character.


I would have to say one of the strangest is the Item Shop guy across from the potion shop, his face is strange and he gets overly excited when you look his direction and even more disappointed when you turn away and don't buy anything.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I would definitely say Ghirahim. He's just so mysterious and I honestly hoped every time I entered a boss room that i'd hear his theme music start playing
Dec 20, 2011
-Have to say Batreaux was pretty weird, but interesting. Liked seeing the change on the island when he gained his human form too.
-Kikwi Hermit, Yerbal, yes, weird, but kind of cool.
- FUn FUn Island game guy - the weirdest, and my most hated character from SS. Instant regret the first moment I landed on that island and saw him .. >.>
-Peatrice and her father; loved the fact Link had a flame on him and that her father had no clue it was him. both characters, also in themselves, were refreshing and interesting. I enjoyed them (maybe enjoyed semi-hating them, like a bad comic strip).

I found Groose to be a dynamic, round character...He changed quite a lot through the game. I found that cat creature thing that lives in Skyloft to be a bit weird, too (the one that attacks you at night). But then when I hit it with my sword and it goes to cry in the corner, I feel horrible, lol.

I agree, real character development, plus some comedy. Love Groose!
I HATED those cats though, HATED! haha

I would definitely say Ghirahim. He's just so mysterious and I honestly hoped every time I entered a boss room that i'd hear his theme music start playing

I also liked the Demon Lord quite a bit, despite thinking I would dislike him before playing the game. He had me laughing and the ending was just phenomenal. I found myself to be, indeed, a Ghirahim fan, despite his 'rainbowy' nature. Also loved his theme and battle music.
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