I can't be arsed to look to see if someone's made a thread on this or not. So I'll just make one!
I'm currently playing through Majora's Mask on my laptop (yes, I'm THAT cool) and got past the Great Bay Temple last night...Jesus was that insane...All the puzzles...the pipe lines...Push/Pull switches to get the water flowing etc...It's like the Water Temple got rebuilt by some lunatic without a degree in plumbing..
Anyways...this isn't about me raving and ranting about me playing Zelda...What was the most difficult temple for you to complete on the N64 Console games?
I'm currently playing through Majora's Mask on my laptop (yes, I'm THAT cool) and got past the Great Bay Temple last night...Jesus was that insane...All the puzzles...the pipe lines...Push/Pull switches to get the water flowing etc...It's like the Water Temple got rebuilt by some lunatic without a degree in plumbing..
Anyways...this isn't about me raving and ranting about me playing Zelda...What was the most difficult temple for you to complete on the N64 Console games?