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Most Difficult Part



There is some comotion about a very hard part on the game. But i want to know...did you ever have a troubling part?


Jun 22, 2011
United States
The difficulty felt fairly consistent for me throughout so I'm not sure what the "very hard part" would be. The final dungeon did surprise some people though just because of its general concept. Don't spoil it for yourself though.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The final dungeon was the most difficulty part in my opinion. Play through it and be amazed.

Agent B

The King of Hyrule
Dec 19, 2011
Lost Woods
I never found the first Ghirahim challenging at all; even in the Hero Mode, I never got hit once.

As for my most challenging part, it has to be the Silent Realm for me. I kept on getting caught my those flashlight ghost enemies and then caught instantly by a guardian.


The part that made me think the most was definitely the last dungeon. However, I'd say the hardest part for me was definitely the Silent Realms. I'm straight up terrible at video games when they require me to sneak around. I'd much rather have just an all out brawl with everything. Probably why I'm also bad at MGS and Uncharted. :(
Nov 28, 2011
The part that gave me the most trouble by far was the Lanayru Mining Facility. I hated the puzzles, the electricity based obstacles, and the damned quicksand. My god.... the quicksand.
Apr 10, 2010
The final boss was the most difficult for me. Until I realized how ridiculously easy he really is when using the Shield Bash and Skyward Strike

Other than that, the Boss Rush mode in Hero Mode is one of the toughest challenges I've played through in any Zelda game. Getting past all 12 bosses with one life meter and no use of items is tough and takes a lot of patience. So far I've only beaten 8 bosses for the shield.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
It wasn't Adventure of Link by any means but it still gave you a few parts where you died or scratched your head wondering what to do. I found my self having so much trouble moving the rooms in Sky Keep that I hade to consult a Walkthrough (Which I try to a avoid doing in most Zelda games). And even with tons of potions I had a lot of trouble with the Demise. Most difficult part? Have to say Demise. He was just that hard.
Dec 6, 2011
Bradford On Avon, Wiltshire
One of the most toughest parts of the Lanayru Desert quicksand is the bits where the solid path is invisible under the sand, a few times I've accidentally strayed off the path and got swallowed by the sand: what I now do is leave a row of beacons on a straight bit of path with one at both ends so I know where it starts and where it ends.

That and getting the piece of heart on Dodoh's High Dive, just gave up in the end, I got 18 hearts for my battle with Demise and plenty of potions and that's all I needed.
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