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I've always liked drawing,so I decided to put some here.
I also take requests.

Endy The Enderman:
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Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Not bad! I don't know if it's just your style or not, but you could do to work on body proportions. I know that can be tricky, I have trouble with that myself. xD You're doing good at coloring, so I'd just suggest working on those proportions, especially the arms. Maybe you could look up some drawing references? I'm looking forward to seeing more of your art. c:


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Can you draw me and Jamie kissing in front of a dumpster? Have Mercedes poking her head out of the dumpster with her tongue sticking out too.
Can you draw me and Jamie kissing in front of a dumpster? Have Mercedes poking her head out of the dumpster with her tongue sticking out too.
Sorry, no offense, but I dont really draw gay stuff unless you want me to genderbend one of you. That and I cant draw kissing because Ive never learned how to.
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Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Sorry, no offense, but I dont really draw gay stuff unless you want me to genderbend one of you. That and I cant draw kissing because Ive never learned how to.

Ooooh ouch! This wouldn't be a gay kiss, just a friendly peck on the cheek. You know akin to two grown sweaty men with their shirts off hugging one another at a football match when a goal is scored, it's not gay at all, just MANLY happiness. Just have a go at it anyway, doesn't hurt to try. :bubsy:

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