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Majora's Mask, Fishtank Help.

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Hey, I need a bit of help. I'm at the Great Bay section (West of Clock town) and I would like to put my Zora egg in the fish tank, and it wont let me...

First off, i only have one Bottle and I plan to do this one at a time if that's possible. If not I'll just get another bottle or two.

Ok, which tank should i put them in? The big one with no fish, or the small one with the fish?

Now, I've been above both and i press the C button over them and link just holds the bottle up in the air and says "This item dose not work here". So now what? Any help?

Now, just to be clear, I do NOT need help finding the eggs. That's not what this is about. Someone else had this problem on Yahoo answers and everyone just gave him/her the location of them... Please don't do that haha...

Well, thanks. This is probably just a dumb question with a extremely simple solution, it seems that I can easly get past the extremely hard parts of a game, but when something simple like this comes up i just mess it all up lol.
Oct 26, 2008
It did this with me but I found it helped to do the following:

Firstly you need to get on top of the one with no fish in it, The larger of the 2 I think, It is possible to get them 1 at a time but its just plain annoying to do, If I were you I would spend a little extra time getting 2-3 bottles. Honestly, I think you would have to go back around 7 times if you only have 1.

1) I found it wouldn't work if I stood by the sides, It would only work if I was stood in the middle.
2) It refused to work unless I facing either side of the tank and I was aligned with the bars. Meaning If you are Link, Both your feet are on a bar and if you faced down the gaps would be perfectly horizontal to you.

Hopes this helps, I'm sorry with the second bit if you can't understand it, Its my useless explaining skills.
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Sage of Tales
What was said. The tank is a little touchy for some reason.

Now, the little tank with the fish in it... if you go to one of those hollows where you can catch a little fish, catch one, and put it in that tank. You'll get a little predation-show and a heart piece. I can't remember if you had to feed the big fish multiple times before getting the heart piece, though.. I think so. Once they reach a "critical mass" they burp up a heart piece for you.


I knew this was just too simple for me to solve... Thanks guys it worked. :)

(Thanks for the tip too Shadsie, i'll use it. :) )
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