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Mafia Game Queue


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
it is now. we currently have ~20 games in the queue, of which ~5 of them are marked as ready to host. ALIT was given the go-ahead to put their game into signups and unless something changes (ie: someone near the top flags their game as ready to host) before they finish then ezlo will host next.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Just posting this for the record, I do intend to host my game still, time just isn't as plentiful for me anymore, so not sure when.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
if people think there will be enough interest or want to try anyways i can give the next host the go-ahead. We were in limbo for a while because the game before zinger's failed to fill.
if people think there will be enough interest or want to try anyways i can give the next host the go-ahead. We were in limbo for a while because the game before zinger's failed to fill.
Imo it kinda seemed like the reason that one wasn't filling was due to lack of interest in the particular gimmick maybe? I did sign up for it but was hesitant because I wasn't sure how well I'd be with a trivia gimmick. So assuming the next game is more standard I feel like it's got better odds of filling, plus it's possible people who aren't regulars that are out of Zinger's game already might be interested in sticking around...

All of those words to say "it's probably worth a shot"

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