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Lorule is Termina in the future?Tips're everywhere

Jun 28, 2015
Nova Friburgo
Hi every one
I'm just a brazillian fan passing through!
It's my first thread at this forum,so admins,don't delet it plssss!
My english is good,but's there some error,so,please,report it below,with your opinion
So,let's go to the theory!

>Games in the base for this conclusion?
I base my self,in OoT(Ocarina of The Time,for newbies),Majora's Mask and a Link Between Worlds!

Well,I really don't know how to star this thread,but will start with a Link Between Worlds,with the majora's mask in Link's house
This,is the base of everything!
So,remember it!
>But,how Link could arrive in Lorule?
There is no mirror,painting form,nothing!
>1 form
In the beginning of the game,you star running after Skull Kid,who stole you ocarina.
When you enter in the first area passage,you fall in a cliff,so you se gorons*,zoras,dekus,every tipe of good(exception of deku)living be.
This is,maybe,the time what you enter in Lorule!

>2 form
Or maybe,(i really don't belive very much in that)Link alredy is in Lorule,before the introduction of the game,he maybe found alternative way in!
>3 form
And,another form,a good interpretation for his entrace.
When Skull Kid,"transform" you in a Deku Kid,he maybe is sending you to Lorule!
So,you turn in Deku Kid,like Link in A Link to The Past,when he turn in a little and cutie bunny!
And,the last form!
This form is a bit poor, primitive,but is a good one too!
After the introduction,you is walking to a door,and when you see all this spiral, as a passage!
Yeah,it end,i say it was poor!

~Plus information(editing now)~

In A Link between worlds,in the village,you can see A LOT of maniacs wearing masks,saying the masks are the only salvation
And in Majora Mask,you use your masks along quests,puzzles,everything!Maybe,the destruction of Termina(Link don't save Termina in this universe,remember?),was recorded and passed by the generations.
Yes,it isn't showed,but is a possibilty.

Another strange part,is Ravio's Diary.I'll put the diary text right bellow(Connections to Majora's Mask - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Wiki Guide - IGN)

-3 Days to Go

She wants to do the right thing.
I wish I could help her.
But leaving is the only option.

-2 Days to Go

She's being duped. Doesn't she
realize that? He's just a leech.
There's no choice but to go.

-1 Day to Go

I have so little magic. Enough to
go there-maybe not to come back.
But tomorrow must be the day.
I may never see her again, but
I vow to save her from all of this.

Of course,Ravio is talking of Hilda.
And if it's just a poem?
A poem based on a ancient history,a history from the the city who was destructed by the Moon.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Few things wrong with this, Link returns to Hyrule after his adventures in Termina, TP Link is a direct Descendant of OOT Link. As far as is shown there is only one way to get between Lorule and Hyrule (two realms that are parallel in almost every way) and that is via the cracks which you require Painting form. Termina has been stated to be a separate reality that Hyrule. So that doesn't work at all.

The Mask we see in Links house is quite literally a hint towards the MM3D remake which happened not long after. Skull Kid didn't send Link to Lorule in fact Skull Kid only ever had the ability to journey to two realms and those two were Hyrule and Termina for we see the very same skull kid in OOT who we give the Skull Mask too and teach Saria's Song too, he says at the end of MM "Eh-hee-hee...You have the same smell as the fairy kid who taught me that song in the woods...".

As for the Thieves Town the people wear the masks so that monster will not slay them they believe to be truly safe is to become a monster hence the masks. Not everyone thinks so seeing as you can find the remaining people in Thieves Town Milk Bar, which doesn't look at all like Clock Town's Milk Bar.

The Geography of the two areas, Termina and Lorule do not match up even remotely, the only places that could match are the swamps to the south and possibly Snowhead. Everywhere else would not even come close, there is no ocean in Lorule the closest is a lake or the Mire, There are no Canyons to the east. Plus Death Mountain would appear to be far taller than Snowhead which was only snowy during winter (unless you speak off the location of the temple) and Death mountain is wreathed in Ice all year. Death mountain is infact an extinct Volcano you can see that at the very bottom of Ice Ruins. Snowhead just seems like a deep canyon at best.

Awesome Link said:
-3 Days to Go

She wants to do the right thing.
I wish I could help her.
But leaving is the only option.

-2 Days to Go

She's being duped. Doesn't she
realize that? He's just a leech.
There's no choice but to go.

-1 Day to Go

I have so little magic. Enough to
go there-maybe not to come back.
But tomorrow must be the day.
I may never see her again, but
I vow to save her from all of this.

Of course,Ravio is talking of Hilda.
And if it's just a poem?
A poem based on a ancient history,a history from the the city who was destructed by the Moon.

This isn't a poem at all, you'd be foolish to think so, It's Ravio's Diary on the 3 days before he left to find someone to stop Hilda's plans to steal the Triforce, he even states he doesn't think he can make it back.
May 7, 2015
Well, Hyrule doesn't match its own geography half the time.

Not that I'm agreeing with the OP. The lore seems to hint that there are *many* parallel worlds and dimensions. Between Hyrule and Termina, there were many lookalike characters. The same was true for Hyrule and Lorule. And while I doubt we'll ever know about the other ocean in Phantom Hourglass, there were some copycat characters, such as Beedle. I suppose I'm just waiting for the dimension where it's fashionable for the rich to fly around in blimps...

Termina also didn't seem to have any sort of royalty, at least not for the humans.
May 4, 2014
Nope. I see Termina as its own country and I believe its the closest country to Hyrule. Maybe the Ocarina NPCs have relatives in the next country over?
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
Termina is an alternate dimension, or reality, of Hyrule. Lorule is more or less the equivalent of the Dark World/Sacred Realm in that it mimics Hyrule's geography. I believe any connections to Lorule and Termina could easily be chalked up to the developers adding elements of previous games without any real tangible connection. It is more likely that any reference to Termina, or Majora's Mask in general, could be the developers hinting at the 3d remake of MM, as it was being worked on at the time.

In my opinion, Lorule is much more likely to be the Dark World from ALttP, only centuries later, when a new kingdom has been established there. Being that the Dark World mimics that of Hyrule, the lack of a Triforce in the Dark World may have "created" a new Triforce in its place in Lorule. Essentially, Lorule would be what the Dark World became in the centuries following ALttP.

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